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I think it would be okay to add some history to the game as you can already see plenty of WW2 games on Roblox. The ones that aren’t offensive I think would be okay to add, but you would have to be very careful.
It might. You never know. You could probably put a message in the description of your game explaining why you had to change it.
No problem! Always here to help
as for software, i highly recommend FlagMaker, you can add icons, change colours, and create unique looking designs extremely easily!
2 and 3 aren’t specific enough to understand what you’re intending to use and what you won’t be using. Details are required. What are you planning to add in terms of symbolism and events in WW2? Doubly so, it doesn’t need to be rooted in WW2 and you can just make up factions and all that with similarities to WW2 rather than using the actual events and symbols.
The only symbols I think you could do would be either the German Eagle or Cross, they aren’t offensive and are used a lot.
You should be fine making WW2 Symbols. If they get rejected, you can try and make an alternate version of them and try. I have seen many decals and logos that have blood and guns, so I think you should be fine.
If I were you I would stay clear of any imagery that can even be slightly linked with Nazism or any other facet of its controversial way of thinking.
The problem you are facing here is the unpredictability and incompetence of the moderation team. Sometimes an emblem of per example, a Wehrmacht division goes through perfectly but another time you may get your account deleted.
Dealing with them requires great precaution and predicting of an image might get you in trouble or not.