Post only visible to Roblox_Staff when I am not staff

I witnessed something that I thought was IMPOSSIBLE

I clicked on this post in #development-discussion and then clicked on the date when the post was created

It showed this menu:

I was perplexed and I couldn’t wrap my head around because I have never encountered this message

Of course I am not a member in @Roblox_Staff but that was still confusing.

A million question ran through my mind:

  • Is this a bug?
  • Is this some tomfoolery prank?
  • Is the DevForum being hacked? (Probably not)

Also, every post in this topic has this message, even mine that I made minutes ago

I hope there is an explanation for that and it is not an early April Fools joke (Although that would be cool :sunglasses:)


Seems like a visual bug. On mobile, i clicked on the “Share” icon on a post and it said exactly that

You aren’t alone with this bug and turns out this occours when clicking “Share” on any post inside the #development-discussion catagory

After all of these months, and I am noticing this bug now. Wow

Also, this bug is ODDLY specific for some reason and really tells me that something else is happening :new_moon_with_face:

Vouch. Has been happening for a few days