Post-processing effects

Is that a new feature I hear?

I don’t think that would work given that the shape of trees and/or grass don’t fit the shape of smooth terrain very well considering how naturally rounded it tends to be. It would be a big pain.

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I got a leak that says they’re gonna name the new feature “MeshParts.”

Unfortunately meshes are not sufficient to build good trees - you need to have some special rendering support to make it so you can render tree crowns with few transparency sorting issues.


Any chance for a dulled down sunrays for moonlight?


These fixes are live:

  • Less extreme defaults for SunRays
  • Fix Blur/Bloom pixelization for small values of Size
  • Fix Blur/Bloom footprint becoming square for large sizes

Post-effects are now live on all platforms.

We’re aware of two issues that aren’t fixed yet:

  • Bloom affects UI which results in issues with chat bubbles
  • In some cases you can see single-pixel white halo around objects on quality 10

We’re shipping one other change next week:

  • AlwaysOnTop SurfaceGui objects will not be affected by post effects to match AlwaysOnTop BillboardGui and ScreenGui objects in behavior

[quote=“zeuxcg, post:87, topic:25023, full:true”]- Bloom affects UI which results in issues with chat bubbles
[/quote]3D GUIs (HandleAdornments, grabbers, etc) also render like Neon since the update even if you aren’t using bloom; dunno if this is the same bug or you already have it covered

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I actually enjoy that.



Made myself a wallpaper that uses the new color correction, sun rays, and bloom. Replacing the the current wallpaper that I started to use in 2013.

I’d like it if it didn’t cause rendering bugs with overlapping adornments. It also removes the “pure, unaffected by light solid color” use that HandleAdornments previously had and makes it look like Neon.

Did someone say wallpaper? (2560*1440)


Wrong thread though? Unless that’s all in-engine but I doubt it :stuck_out_tongue:


What about us with 4k screens? :cry:

Separate thread maybe?

I have another 4k in my documents.

That is hot <3

This change is live:

  • AlwaysOnTop SurfaceGui objects are not affected by post effects to match AlwaysOnTop BillboardGui and ScreenGui objects in behavior

We’re aware of three issues that aren’t fixed yet:

  • Bloom affects UI which results in issues with chat bubbles
  • In some cases you can see single-pixel white halo around objects on quality 10
  • Handles, SelectionBox and other semi-transparent adornables have a slight glow when Neon parts are visible

Along the same lines, I’d love to get the ability to control which cameras render to which area of which players’ screen. In addition, it would be useful to control which post-processing effects apply to each individual camera. Possibly also a camera view texture or some similar object to place in game. This could open up the possibility for all kinds of unique views or ui designs.

This can all be done manually.

You can put the effects into the camera object and change the current camera to the one you need.

There can be only one camera active at the same time - it’s not easy for us to apply different effects or effects with different settings to different parts of the screen.