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The icon is quite bad honestly,

If you’re making a cash grab which I suppose you are then make the icon pop. Like the icons of your other games.

Also in the badges:

I hate how some are abbreviated while others aren’t. Make all uniform.

I also hate the fact that the power goes in points. Keep it whole.

I also hate this:
The stroke gets cut off and that it’s not properly filled.

Also the game is full off idiots. Like some guy was trying to kill me in a safe zone lol. Can’t blame you becuase it’s probably one of those skibidi kids. I also didn’t play much because I don’t want my brain to rot because I hate simulators so sorry about that but the game is good.

Personally I’ll give it a 2/10 but not accounting for my personal issues I’d say a solid:



Hello, thanks so much for the feedback and the honest opinions!
Just wanted to mention that I think you got the wrong game for the badges, here is how they should look.

Maybe you played Magic Boxer Simulator (my other simulator) instead?

Do you think other people will enjoy the game? Right now the game has near 0 players and has been like that for days now :frowning:

Seens like you issued the wrong link.

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Well, give me the right link then I’ll see.

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I did send the right link, maybe you went to one of my other games.

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Your sent link is “kamehameha simulator” I played exactly that.

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You sent the badges for my other game, Magic Boxer Simulator, not Kamehameha Simulator. It seems like you mixed it up.

Seems odd because I clearly played the game linked and not some other game. But whatever like I care.

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