I and many others have accidentally posted a topic/reply before it was ready too much.
If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my experience using the forum because there won’t be any more accidental posts/replies.
I and many others have accidentally posted a topic/reply before it was ready too much.
If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my experience using the forum because there won’t be any more accidental posts/replies.
Sorry but this feature is meant for discourse to implement, not roblox, please post it to the “feature” category there
However, I do agree with this
I’m pretty sure Discourse is customizable, though
However, you can’t implement custom features
I don’t understand the point of the post though???
Yes, you can? It’s literally in the documentation:
There is also a “delete topic/reply” button where you can undo your action.
This would be so helpful. I often find myself editing posts I created under a minute ago to add content I should have added. Having to remind myself to proofread every time is difficult and I think this would be a great feature.
well people including I also experience this issue in many discourse forums
In my opinion it is up to the person posting to proofread before posting. Same goes for texting or emails in the ‘real’ world.
Yes, I’ve edited many posts of mine soon after posting them, but it isn’t difficult at all. Same with deleting them if necessary since the tools are easy to click on.