I’m only just now noticing this post and I feel awful for resurfacing this conversation but just for the sake of clarification I’ll respond: this is something we already do with requests in the inbox.
The only edits we will make to a PA request (that I am actively aware of) is small grammar edits, such as me changing ROBLOX to Roblox or a quick punctuation issue. Otherwise, any post that passes through PA is primarily the author’s job to fix and we only give feedback on how to improve their posts, sometimes as a suggestion and other times as a requirement. We don’t change significant portions of posts and then move them.
Furthermore, applying our feedback does not guarantee it to be moved, even if we say it’s okay but requires edits. The acceptability of a post can change with edits as well as during discussion of whether to accept a post or not.
It is imperative that you take note, as I have mentioned earlier in this thread, that post approval members are only capable of editing thread titles, not post content, unless it is a PA request. We also do not “edit threads to our liking”, we edit threads for the sake of clarity, organisation and forum functional value.
It seems that your issue is different from the one in the OP so feel free to raise it privately if you wish to discuss it further, but the better part of your post is either something we already do or a comment founded upon potential lack of knowledge.
Refer to this post if you’d like more information.