Potatoes and potatoes?

I like potatoes. So I made a potato drawing for a potato game

my drawing potato

real potatoes


Any feedback on this potato? lol I’m not even sure what I’m looking for

here’s the potato if you wanna use it (no credit needed)


i made this national anthem for this potato

Oh po-ta-to
Where have you-ve been pota-to
Give us free-dom and smile to us, us
Planted from a dirt and digged out to freedom
Warrior of a vi-tamins, mins
Heal us po-tato
Give us vita-mins
And des-troy para-sites from our or-gans


I guess it’s very…potatoey (I don’t think that word exists)? But I actually like the style!


wow thanks lol

If I could compose good music, this would be the potato’s national anthem

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Potatoey def isn’t a “real word” but yeah it’s pretty potatoey :potato:


This potato looks good! Nice job on drawing it.

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good drawing


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Oh po-ta-to
Where have you-ve been pota-to
Give us free-dom and smile to us, us
Planted from a dirt and digged out to freedom
Warrior of a vi-tamins, mins
Heal us po-tato
Give us vita-mins
And des-troy para-sites from our or-gans

Our POTATO is the boss (isnt lol)

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