Potential naming discrepancy with "Knight of swft approaching destiny"

There is an old limited item, the following;

Which I believe has a small typo in the username, specifically having to do with the word “swft”.
Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but I think this is supposed to be “SWIFT” approaching destiny and not “SWFT” approaching destiny.

The only reason I remembered about this is because I used to remember it by this weird name to quick-search the item, but now some years later I realize this may actually be a typo.

Expected behavior

Here’s some useful images highlighting the potential discrepancy and how it may be fixed.
The following;

Since the so-called word “swft” isn’t in ALL CAPS like “SWFT”, this leads me to believe it’s not an acronym for any group or organization and rather just a misspelling of the word “swift”

Thank you all for seeing this, hopefully it’s a typo and could be fixed.


This typo has been fixed - thank you for your report.


Hey, the issue seemed like it was fixed but it also set the original price to 1. Could this be reverted?

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For reference, the original price was 175 robux. The following;

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