Pottery’ Barn Training Guide

Pottery’ Barn Training Guide


(x1) Host: Controls the operations and makes sure everything runs smoothly.

(x1) Co-Host: Responsible for making sure that the trainees are being trained properly and ranks them accordingly.

(x5) Helpers: Trains users according to the guide below. [Not all 5 helpers are needed]

Notice: DM me, Reid_#5809 on Discord so I can give you ranking and session permissions.


1 hour before the training go in the Discord server and say .shout TRAINING: A training session will start at (time in EST) EST You can fancy it up a bit :slight_smile:

(Optional): 5 mins before the training starts say :countdown 300

Once the countdown is over you need to lock the server by doing :slock

Host: :sm Hello, and welcome to the Pottery Barn’® training session! My name is (name here) and your Co-Host is (Co-Host name).

Co-Host: :sm This training session will consist of three parts, the trolling test, the grammar test, and the food preparation part.

Host: There will be up to 5 groups, so you as the host have to assign the trainers in a group now name the trainers :name (username) Group (1,2,3,4,5) only one trainer per group.

(Helpers:) Now name random players for group number eg: :name (player) Group (number the group you are in) | (Make SURE there is enough players for other helpers)

Host: :sm Stay where you are, your trainer will now teleport you to the work station.

(Helpers:) You will now choose a random player to teleport now use :bring (player) [Make sure you only have three players in the kitchen at a time]

(Helpers:) Ask them what their greeting is, if you think it will appeal to customers then you give them a point.

(Helpers:) If they handled it correctly (have a proper greeting) then you change their name to Point: 1 if they didn’t handle it correctly change their name to Point: 0

(Helpers:) Now you go on with the grammar test, say: Correct this sentence “welcome to potteryz barn what does you want”

(Helpers:) If they correct it properly change their name to Point: 2 (if they have 0 points then change their name to Point: 1)

(Helpers:) Now you start with the trolling test, make SURE to tell the players that it’s not directed towards them, now just use any generic troll like “Can I get some rats”

(Helpers:) If they warn you/say stop then give them 1 more point.

(Helpers:) If they have three points name them Passed

(Helpers:) If they passed also say: Congrats you passed! Don’t leave just yet, we are ranking you.

(Helpers:) If they failed, say: I’m sorry you failed. You can try again in future sessions. Please leave now. (If they don’t tell a Host/CoHost to kick them.

Host/Co-Host: In #bot-commands say .promote (Players full username) for the users who passed. (This will give them LR | Junior Barista) **It’s a good idea to private chat the other Host/Co-host and say you are doing group 1,2,3 and they are doing 4 and 5

ALL: Wait until the host and co-host have ranked all the trainees.

Host: :sm Congrats on who passed! Wait here for just a few more seconds!

Host: Say in chat :place all 5224344979

That’s all! Make sure EVERYONE is ranked before using the :place command.