Practice GFX Feedback

Hello! I’m a intermediate GFX artist. This is a fan art GFX I made for KreekCraft. Please note this is my first time using the boy rig. If you have any feedback please reply below all feedback is appreciated. Thanks!


its good, except special effects are so much, its good tho. also, his hand that doesn’t have the bat in it is weirdly posed.


It’s really good. I like the design and the effects. There are just two things I don’t like:

  1. The pose seems a bit stiff. The hand where he’s holding the bat is fine, but the other one is just awkwardly “being there”
  2. The hoodie seems a bit blurred and kind of low quality. I’m not sure if that’s the way it was exported and if it can even be fixed, but I’d try changing that.

Very cool! I have one question. Were the lighting strikes around him made in blender itself or in a editing software after render?

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The lightning strikes were added in photoshop. And thanks!

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Pretty good, i really like the amount of effects and the colors, good job. Btw what sofware did you use for the lightning effects?
Nvm, i just noticed you used photoshop.

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Looks awesome, I love the effects in it! :heart_eyes: :rofl: :+1:

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I think it looks sick! Though the posing looks a little off and unrealistic. Maybe tone down the lighting of the lightning effects too.

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