Practiced Machine Gun Texturing

G’day, fellas! :grinning:
Yesterday, I found this free Thompson submachine gun model and decided to texture it for practice. Let me know what do you think! Comments, suggestions and criticism are welcome!


Wow, that looks great! Are the engravings on the side part of a normal map or is it actual geometry?

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That looks sick. 10/10

It actually looks like a real machine gun that I would see a real person using.

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the wood texture is great! 7/10

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Thanks for the feedback! That is a normal map. Props to the modeller, the mesh is absolutely optimized and game-ready. It has got about 3k vertices.

Thank you very much for the feedback!
I understand why it’s a 7/10. I tried my best haha :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
The UV map I got along with the 3D model was a bit tricky to work with.

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it just looks a bit weird here,
and here:
Screen Shot 2021-04-12 at 1.00.10 PM

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Looks great love the detail and design on it.

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Looks pretty nice overall! Got quite a lot of feedback for you though:

Starting with the wood as of right now the texture has some extremely obvious tiling too it and to me it looks like as if the wood was machined or it is some kind of faux wood. Theres also another issue where just behind the grip, the tiling of the wood texture doesn’t seem to line up correctly, giving a very noticeable seam. This can be fixed if you used tri-planar mapping (which basically projects the texture using world space as opposed to UVs). And as for masking the tiling texture of the wood, I recommend adding some additional variations & layers on top of it, to break up the monotony of the texture. If you use Substance Painter the software has plenty of tools to help with the variation, one such example would be the Warp filter, which will randomly warp elements of that texture to give it additional variation.

The main metal of the gun in general looks great, appropriate use of wear & oil from my current observation, however there are some white chalk looking lines across the top of the main body of the gun, I’m not entirely sure what that is.

There also seems to be some shading issues near the trigger, which give it some sort of a corrugated look, but this is much more noticeable on the muzzle of the gun, which has very sharp triangles visibly seen, which I assume is caused by the geometry of the actual mesh itself. This can be fixed by changing the topology of the muzzle, or if you have a high poly version of this gun, you can bake it into the low poly which should fix this issue.

Overall it looks pretty good!