Preferred Glance Information Method

I am not sure if there is a term to describe what I am referring to.
By “Glance Information” I mean information that you can quickly and easily understand without having to read the details–you only need to glance at it to know.
For example, say you had a green health bar but when your health falls below 20% the health bar turns to a red color. Just by looking at it you immediately know your health is below a certain percentage, you don’t need to read the number.

So I’m trying to implement something just as easy for players to understand to my inventory. Before any work is done it looks like this:

Very monotone. You won’t know what’s what until you find it and read it.

I want to display two things: the item’s Type and its Rarity. I think this will allow players to quickly find what items they want and which items are worth keeping in mind. So I’ve come up with a few schemes:
Screenshot 2023-11-23 134553
Don’t worry about what the colors mean. I ask you, which one of these four is easiest on the eyes and the brain? Left to right, 1 - 4.

  • 1: the red background
  • 2: the red border
  • 3: the red square
  • 4: the red text

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Take a few more examples:

For now ignore two changes I can definitely make: changing the size of the inventory UI and replacing text with images.
And there is a third change: implementing a sorting feature. Definitely possible, I think, definitely useful. But currently I’m on the fence because I am lazy.

I feel like using colors for item type and rarity would be confusing, no matter where they are. Having images instead of text is useful, but if you will continue to have text, I suggest using an icon to show item type.