PreJump Analysis

I am pre-processing Jump with contextual analysis, so player Jumps can be determined by unique regions. Standing in Mycelium, Grass or Custom fluid bodies. To do this, I have decided to get to the jump behavior at the source.
However, I’d like some confirmation that I covered the scope of it.
There are over a dozen lines in the ControlModule that reference the jump concept, mostly working parts of JumpModule. I don’t see a need to touch it.
But throughout the entire ControlModule, “.Jump =” full searches to only three lines. It is at these instances I believe I must perform my jump context analysis, for inter-platform support, autojump, autowalk jump support etc.
Sounds right? Please let me know if I’m missing an active line.

(Pertaining to Default Roblox Player ControlModule)

I’m pretty confused what you’re trying to do.

Are you trying to run some code when a player makes a jump request?

Yup. .Changed on the Jump property does not seem to work in my case. Nor connected to the StateChanged of Humanoid. I’ve considered it preferable to be part of the ControlModule anyways.

Might I add that
Frame 1: Input is detected
Frame 2: Jump is set to true
Frame 3: StateChanged fires for Jumping

and that is why

Try using the Jumping event or HumanoidStateChanged.

If that’s not what you’re looking for, you might have more luck searching for the keypress event for jumping in the ControlModule (assuming it is there)

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