For my loading screen I want and need to preload the font I’m using (Silkscreen) because it doesn’t load in before it becomes visible.
My issue is that PreloadAsync gives me an asset fetch failure for its asset id, I’ve tried the rbxassetid content format and http based one with no luck, the asset id is correct and I can’t figure this out.
"rbxassetid://12187371840" -- Silkscreen font asset id
function(content: string, fetchStatus: Enum.AssetFetchStatus)
print(content, fetchStatus)
-- output:
-- 01:51:29.086 rbxassetid://12187371840 Enum.AssetFetchStatus.Failure
I have noticed a really slight slowdown in assets loading in general, but they do load.
I’m really confused here so if anyone’s had this issue or see/know something I don’t please do tell, any help is appreciated!
Encountered the same issue, and here is my solution: instead of passing the font ID to the preload function, pass the whole TextLabel (or whatever Text object you use).
local callback = function(assetId, assetFetchStatus)
print("PreloadAsync() resolved asset ID:", assetId)
print("PreloadAsync() final AssetFetchStatus:", assetFetchStatus)
ContentProvider:PreloadAsync({ script:WaitForChild("LogoNameLabel") }, callback)
-- Output:
-- PreloadAsync() resolved asset ID: rbxassetid://12187360881
-- 14:03:04.225 PreloadAsync() final AssetFetchStatus: Enum.AssetFetchStatus.Success