Preloading images for GUI

Hello everyone, I’m currently attempting to preload all image assets in a gui with about 20 individual frames. I’ve attempted to use content provider to loop through all assets id’s and preload, aswell as just preloading the instance itself.

Nothing has currently worked to preload the gui as everytime I load into the game it takes about a second or two to load the screen I open. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as I don’t know any workaround to this.

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Put the frames in replicated first
Screenshot 2024-12-18 at 19.59.44
then move it to where ever you desire

PreloadAsync is broken. It seems Roblox broke it with some kind of optimization update. Nothing fully preloads, if it’s not on the screen.

I fixed it by placing ImageLabels of 1x1 pixel size on the active screen with all the images I needed. Once loaded, I remove them.

But how would I efficiently go about getting all image assets? Use collection service to get all items which are tagged and put them onto an image label?