PreloadService Blue: PreloadService Beta Program

Hello everybody,

PreloadService Blue was a program I discontinued back a while ago. But now, it’s back!

PreloadService Blue is my style of a beta program. You get early access to new features, and you test stuff out and report any issues!
I had discontinued it, but with the upcoming release of 3.0 I’m bringing it back.

Reminder: This is a beta program. I do not recommend usage in production games. Only use this in development locations.
If you’re looking for the original one, find it here

Well now that I know what it is, how do I get it?

Join this server:

Tell me you’re there for PS Blue and I’ll give you access to report bugs, suggest features, and announcements to make sure you update.

Why do I have to join a Discord server?

This is to make sure I can get people up-to-date and submit feedback easily.

Current beta features in testing:

Beta Feature Expected Release Testing Begun Date Released
Plugins v3 11/9/22 N/A
Plugins API Full release v3.1, partial v3 11/9/22 N/A

How to report issues or suggest things?

Please report them to my Discord server, which you will be invited to.

Plugins Guide

The following is an example plugin I wrote to show off the 1.0.1 API.

task.wait(1) -- Wait for PS to exist
local API = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.PreloadService.PluginsAPI)

-- Make a new folder for remotes
local Folder = API.PluginEventsFolder("ExamplePlugin" --[[Name]])

-- Make a new remote

local function OnServerEvent()
	print("Server event!")
	-- Actually, we want to remove the event now that it's run.
	local Result = API.RemoveRemote("ExampleRemEvent","ExamplePlugin",true--[[Force it. If false, it iwll not close the event if it has active connections.]])
	print(tostring(Result[1]) --[[ success (true/false) ]],Result[2]--[[ message ]])
API.NewRemoteEvent("ExampleRemEvent"--[[Event Name]],"ExamplePlugin"--[[Folder Name]],OnServerEvent--[[Function (can be a normal function, this is just my example)]])

-- Make a new remote function
local function OnInvoke()
	print("Hello World!")
API.NewRemoteFunction("ExampleRemFunction", "ExamplePlugin", OnInvoke) --Same description for above, but it's a remote function.

-- Construct a button

	"rbxassetid://10065089093", --Image
	"Computer", -- Name
	script.Computer, --Frame
	"G", -- Position in the menu
	"This is an example plugin." -- Short description

	--When the plugin is building, the configuration file will be available under the Config variable. 
	-- It'll be in a table by default, so you dont have to require() it
        warn("Plugin is now running!")
end, script.Config)

Making a frame for PreloadService Guide:

Make the size {1, 0},{1.086, 0}. Reminder that there is some deadspace at the top due to the dock and titlebar.

Style Guide

Use the Gotham or Noto Sans font, and make everything transparent.

:no_entry_sign: No’s when designing for PreloadService

  • Flat borders. Use 8px for buttons, TextBoxes, other inputs/text interfaces, and 18px for frames.
  • Heavy colors
  • Fonts other than Gotham, Ubuntu, Noto Sans, Raleway, and possibly more later.
  • TextScaled without a UITextSizeConstraint
  • Large text
  • Things that interfere with other pages

:question: Info

  • To make a frame’s background transparent, give it the attribute “ExcludeTransparent” and set it to true [Subject to renaming in 3.0 or 3.1]
  • For consistency, use FlatIcon’s UICons Icon Pack for your icons.

Making new pages

  • Make a new, transparent frame.
  • Make it’s size {1, 0},{1.086, 0} and position {0, 0},{-0.086, 0}
  • Accounting for the topbar and the dock, the usable size is {1, 0},{0.78, 0}

That’s it for now. Thank you!

I’m a bit lost as to what this actually is. Do you think you could clarify this in the post? Is it a plugin? A service? A library? I have no clue whatsoever.

Sorry, I was kinda in a rush to write this.

It’s a beta program for my existing module PreloadService. I made this to help me gather feedback for new updates before they reach general availability.

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Then it’s not a community resource, moreso you making the community the resource; this category is for you to provide to the community, not the other way around. Try #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback

I am, many other things I have worked on in the past have been allowed to do this. I’m giving it to people for free, as long as they have a general reason to have the beta package instead of the normal one. The reason for the applications is because of what I just said, plus I want everybody to be in a Discord server so I can make sure the people in the program are updating so I dont get reports from people on old versions.

No — I’m saying that this is not really a resource (and it piggy backs upon your actual resource), and by your own description:

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The form clearly isn’t working so I’ll just give the Discord.

Sorry everybody. I’ve been really busy with other projects which have a higher priority.

When I complete those, I’ll be back on a bi-weekly update schedule.

By the way, registration si free! All you have to do is join the server.

Hello Developers,

I am proud to announce that PreloadService is now a part of Dokito!

Dokito is a team of developers who are denoted to providing open-source code for other developers to use in their Roblox games and projects.

You can see more Dokito Projects here.

Founder of Dokito

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Hello everybody, there will be a release later today! I’ll give more info later.
If you want to join the beta, please don’t hesitate!

New Release: 3.0.0 Build 2


  • Fixed animations being buggy and slow
  • Fixed homescreen history cards
  • Abandoned widgets for now
  • Added more settings
  • Added more plugin API methods
  • Refreshed Topbar UI
  • Added more padding to the dock
  • Fixed loading animations not working and just disappearing
  • Renamed ReplicatedStorage.PreloadService.Settings to SSS.PreloadService.Config["Settings"], and settings is now stored in a global configuration script
  • Updated to use new branding
  • Fixed About page
  • Added version to topbar
  • Added “BETA” to topbar

New Official Plugins

  1. Advanced Ban Pro
    PreloadService Forum Thread [COMING SOON]
    Advanced Ban Pro is a feature rich ban system to help moderators ban users with ease. Many options are available to use and lookup at any time with Discord logs and more, and other systems in place to help prevent exploits and admins banning other admins.

The plugin is 100% exploit-proof and cannot be manipulated. Very custom with 10+ options and appealing.


How do I get it?

It’s bundled with PreloadService Blue at the moment, which is available by request. Get it here!

Configuring Appeals

Make a new place under your game. Right click, Copy ID, and paste it into your configuration file. Then, click Edit, and drag this file into ServerScriptService:
Appeal.rbxm (17.7 KB)
From there, you’ll be good.

The code is also on GitHub.

2. Global Announcements

Ever wanted to announce stuff to all servers? Now you can. With Global Announce, you can view what people are announcing using logging, and have announcements put on all servers - all safely and securely.

How do I get it?

Like the last one, this is bundled with PS Blue at the moment, and it’s also on GitHub for contributing, and the PreloadService Forums

More on the way!

I have about 10 plugins in a queue - stay tuned!

That’s about it. Once again, please dont hesitate to reach out if you want to give it a try!