Hello there, so recently I decided to cancel my membership so I waited a day before it’d renew and canceled it. But a few days later without noticing it gave me 2 extra days. Now a few days ago I tried canceling it again doing the same thing as before waiting till the day before. This time I decided to record it and come to find out the cancelation causes the expiration date to move to a new date extending your membership. Just seems a little strange that Roblox would be giving away a few free days of Premium just for canceling.
I’m not sure why this happens but should probably be fixed, thanks so much John.
Go to your Roblox settings and go to Billing Page.
Click cancel and accept. (Should say “Success!” once done.)
Now you should see that the expiration date has changed and been pushed back.
Don’t think would matter but I’m using a Mac and Safari Version 13.1.
(I’ve cropped some of the video to keep personal info hidden.)
In the video you can see it ends on then 29th and when I cancel it goes to the 2nd. So it gave me 2 free days.
This problem is currently happening to me also, I was looking to upgrade my Premium instead of just cancellation, yet I can’t due to this bug. By any chance did you buy premium using iOS? That’s how my bug seemed to happen.
Bug?!! Problem??! More like a feature. I think I vaguely remember cancelling my memberships so I could get extra days and then rebuying them. Don’t know why it behaved like this but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
I have had this bug happen many times in the past (I usually pay for one month via Google Play and cancel immediately after.) except the “free membership” days are extremely varied (ranging from a day or two up to well over a week. Once it was over 2 weeks.) and sometimes don’t even happen at all.
I’ve noticed zero side effects from any of these free days after my membership was said to expire by, aside from uploading and putting clothing on sale during that time will put them in a glitched state of being offsale on the website/catalog page, but onsale everywhere else (eg selling in games, buying via website glitches, and the catalog preview says it is onsale for the price it has been set at)
I noticed RyanTheLion911 said that they managed to recreate it by buying on iOS. I’ve always bought on Google Play (Android) and I’m wondering if it’s a bug linked to the mobile app or how Roblox calculates subscriptions bought on the mobile apps.
Hey everyone, just circling back here because this got a lot of attention (I know it’s old). This was a known issue but should be fixed. Anyone still having issues?
Yeah, it is. It happened to me, if your card declines or you cancel, it gives you 2 days to renew your subscription or you have to re-subscribe. It can be annoying actually
I’m still having this issue on my device. I originally bought premium on the google play store in February, but quickly after in March switched to IOS. I’ve had google play paying my premium for about 4 months now and planned to upgrade to the 1,000 premium version. I’ve gotten my old phone, and I’ve cancelled my subscription there where it states that it’s expired and non existent, yet still says I have premium. This is really annoying as I specifically got my old phone just to cancel something only for it to still be there. I can reveal more details if needed…