Premium Payouts not given from 9 months ago

I have premium payouts from over 9 months ago that have never been verified. This is an unreasonably long amount of time, as there is no way there could possibly any sort of verification still needed.

Expected behavior

I expect that the premium payouts would be verified after a week or so as I originally experienced.

Page URL: (Probably only accessible to ROBLOX employees)

Universe ID: 3809761239

Issue also occurs for a group game:
Universe ID: 4834268690


Maybe the AI that roblox uses to moderate premium payouts simply forgot to register your premium payouts into its system.

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Just to clarify - have you been paid already and the chart is just not updating or you haven’t been paid?


My apologies for the confusion.

After comparing my transaction premium payout page to the analytics page, it would seem the problem lies in the rendering of the payouts as incorrectly labeled as unvalidated.