Premium Subscription Automatically Cancelled and Renews Regardless

Premium Subscriptions have been getting cancelled without the request of the owner. These subscriptions will renew themselves despite being cancelled, resulting in the owner getting charged twice for just one month of premium if purchased while it is expired.

I’ve been subscribed to Roblox Premium since January 23rd, 2024. I received a random cancellation email on November 25th, 2024. I had enough funds on my account for the subscription to renew the next month, and it was cancelled just 2 days after my subscription was renewed.

When December 23rd, 2024 arrived, my premium had expired and I lost all of my perks. I needed Premium 1,000 in order to put my UGC accessories on sale so I purchased it once again. Less than an hour later, Roblox decided to renew my previously expired Premium 1,000. This resulted in me getting double charged for Premium 1,000. I was charged $20 in total for just 1 month of Premium 1,000.


Here is the first email I received at 1:30 PM PST:

Notice how it says I purchased it on Wednesday, December 11, 2013. I believe this might be the date I first purchased Builders Club back in 2013, but this purchase was made on December 23rd, 2024.

Here is the second email I received at at 2:13 PM PST:

The next day, I received another email stating that my premium subscription has been cancelled once again. My funds were empty because Roblox took the $20 that I had remaining, but the subscription shouldn’t be cancelled since I still have an entire month to collect the funds.

Here is the cancellation email I received the next day:

I thought I was alone on this issue, however I talked to several creators who have mentioned this happening to them as well.
@sirehns @Manwire06 @idealxy @TeaCem

Expected behavior

My premium subscription should not be cancelled without my permission unless I don’t have the funds for it to renew on the renewal date. If my subscription was cancelled, it should not renew itself just 45 minutes after purchasing again. This results in the owner being charged twice for a single subscription.


Yes, this is something that happened with me last month and is exactly how it is explained in this report.

Happened to me too. Cancelled my premium but got charged without receiving robux. Contacted support but it’s roblox.

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I’m not sure but I believe I was charged twice and roblox support refused to help me out.

They replied this time and offered a full refund.

Thank you for the report. Our team is looking into this issue.