Pressing a button changes text on gui

i have this night vision script and i want it to indicate whether it is on or not by changing the playergui to show that it is on

it should look like this off

and then it should look like this on

how would i make this work?

Would you mind posting some of your script so we can get a better understanding of how it’s set-up in your game and we can better help you.

Thanks, Opex.

This is pretty simple and you should be utilising BoolValues to accomplish this. Simply add a LocalScript and a BoolValue into the button and try the following code. Also name the BoolValue something like Enabled.

local button = script.Parent
local enabled = button.Enabled -- or whatever you named the value

    if (enabled.Value == false) then
       button.Text = "Night Vision: On"
       enabled.Value = true
    elseif (enabled.Value == true) then
       button.Text = "Night Vision: Off"
       enabled.Value = false

All you’re doing in this code is adding an event to check when the button is clicked. When it is clicked, we’re checking if the Enabled BoolValue is true or false. If it’s false, it means that night vision is off, so we turn it on and vice versa. Also note how we’re changing the value of the BoolValue as we use this to check if Night Vision is on or off.

Hope my explanation made some sense.

local textbutton = script.Parent

local toggle = false

	toggle = not toggle
	textbutton.Text = if toggle then "Yes!" else "No!"

Relatively simple.