Reproduction Steps
Type in a script, and when trying to type a function such as GetChildren, FindFirstChild, etc., press enter while the code example popup is loading. The example will close, and if you try to press enter again, a new line will appear instead of the text appearing.
The first time I press enter in this gif, you can see the Code Example close since it wasn’t done loading the preview fully, so I waited for it to reappear before pressing enter again, making FindFirstChild appear.
Note: This MAY only happen in large scripts or modules that require other modules, as it cannot be replicated in shorter scripts I think
Expected Behavior
Pressing enter to make the suggested function appear should not be limited by whether the code example for that function is loaded or not, as it slows down typing in the script editor by a lot.
Actual Behavior
The code example closes, and I’m forced to wait a few seconds for it to pop back up before I press enter, which means its usually just faster to type the function myself instead of using the predictive text feature.
Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly