Prevent more items from spawning

I’m making a game that has a feature where spawners spawn a tool in a certain time but there is a problem in where it spawns at the same spot even though an object is already there

Current Script:

local timePeriod = 15 
local despawnTime = 10

debris = game:GetService("Debris")

while true do
	local spawns = script.Parent:GetChildren();
	valid = false
	while valid == false do
		spawnPoint = spawns[math.random(1, #spawns)];
		if spawnPoint.Name ~= "spawnscript"  then
			if spawnPoint.occupied.Value == false then
				valid = true
	local object = game.ServerStorage.SpawnItems.apol:Clone()
	object.Parent = workspace
	object.Handle.Position = spawnPoint.Position
	debris:AddItem(object, despawnTime)

How do I make it so only 1 item spawns inside a random spawner only if there is nothing in that spawner.

Where did you put this script?

Inside a model that contains all the spawners

You need to set spawnPoint.occupied.Value to true otherwise it’s going to be remain unoccupied. Do this after you set valid to true.

It also recommended you start variables with local instead of just assigning the variable name. This won’t have an effect on the functionality of your code though it is just better practice.

Can you send me a pic Of the output? Its can help me to solve it

Use local debris in here to save/store it

Try this:

local timePeriod = 15 
local despawnTime = 10

debris = game:GetService("Debris")

while true do
	local spawns = script.Parent:GetChildren();
	while true do
		spawnPoint = spawns[math.random(#spawns)];
		if spawnPoint:IsA("BasePart") and spawnPoint:FindFirstChild("occupied") and spawnPoint.occupied.Value == false then
			spawnPoint.occupied.Value = true
        task.wait() -- just in case all spots are occupied it won't timeout
	local object = game.ServerStorage.SpawnItems.apol:Clone()
	object.Handle.Position = spawnPoint.Position
    object.Parent = workspace
	debris:AddItem(object, despawnTime)

Did some other misc changes such as:

  • wait(timePeriod)task.wait(timePeriod) (new task library)
  • spawns[math.random(#spawns)] instead of spawns[math.random(1, #spawns)]
  • The if statement for determining if the spawn is occupied or not
  • Parenting the object after setting it’s Position property (for performance reasons, see here)
  • Removed the valid variable and just broke the loop if the condition was met