Preventing Account Farming and Exploits

Those “Breaking ROBLOX rules until I get banned” videos will be shorter! The speed runs will be crazy with this release!


I’m not really sure what you’re referring to, possibly something regarding moderation, this is still something you can help with using the bug reports channel to make sure some sentences that get by the filter can get censored.


You should expand on this, and how you think this is an actual problem instead of just rumoring another issue for slop-posters to start talking about, this is entirely targeted at enhanced players and farmers, and we currently don’t have insiders to how this may work, so far we’ve evolved to a point past VC where there’s minimal problems with the automatic moderation.


Everything a human does on a Roblox game can be exploited and performed by an exploit script. I’ve used the software that runs those kind of automated farming scripts so I know this. I only did it for entertainment and knowledge and I never profited any money from it.

It’s a huge problem to have automated moderation for things that require human moderation. You can’t automatically ban bots without false bans, You can certainly ban all of the bots with 0 false bans when you have a team of human moderators who check to make sure that every single ban is reviewed thoroughly before it gets handed out.


I don’t think anyone’s sure about how the detection will function, during it’s release would probably be better timing to talk about how false detection may happen, so far we don’t really have any insight on if the detection that might be made could possibly interfere with game functions.

False bans do happen, it can be a problem at starter-stages of release such as what did happen with the AI running VC, but it gets better when more issues get found and fixed, and overall becomes an essential piece.


I don’t get your response.

Your first point is “ just because a majority of people believe something doesn’t mean it’s right” - and then you immediately mention that Roblox is aware of an issue that that SAME majority of people have correctly identified (over a much longer timespan than a month, mind you). Which one is it? Is that majority wrong, or right? Roblox’s post here, your reply, my reply, content creators, and the majority of this thread seem to lend evidence to them being right. Sometimes, there is wisdom in the crowd.

Let’s not blame the egg here, blame the chicken - content creators aren’t the cause of the mishap here, a Roblox development team that hasn’t taken the right steps is.

In the Ban API thread, a Roblox staff member said this:

“How should our systems disambiguate the difference between one real person creating two accounts on the same machine versus two siblings sharing the same family computer?“

In other words - part of Roblox’s inaction towards alt accounts and players banned for cheating is because of the edge case of… two siblings using the same computer when one of them is caught botting or cheating? Huh?

I struggle to think of any other development platform or gaming service that takes this stance when it comes to action against cheaters - and that’s because it’s a bad one. Steam removes whole households via VAC bans. Fortnite utilizes wholesale HWID bans. Blaming the community for pointing that out as you’re doing detracts from the real conversation to be had here.


Play? Are we not using dev forum as um? Developers? Have you even opened the “limiting low quality experiences” dev forum post? Seems to have backfired if you actually read the replies on that post? Or do you not have any games active and therefore have no effect because no numbers?


Yes every other Roblox developer INCLUDING the ones with bots in their game, could care less about this, “problem”! This is a big issue believe it or not, I think you’re the only one who doesn’t care.


How I see it is:

If someone’s sibling does something serious enough to warrant an IP ban from a specific experience, that’s completely their fault, and they inconvenience their siblings because of it.

If what they did was that serious to warrant an IP ban from that experience, then it’s most likely worthwhile tradeoff.


Not just one computer though, entire houses could not be able to use Roblox. Maybe a better approach is to HWID ban them. I highly doubt kids know how to swap out pieces of a computer, so it would be great. Entire houses wouldn’t be cut off from Roblox, only their computer.


It’s funny you mention this, because as I said in a message above this is already implemented on the client thanks to Hyperion, Roblox just haven’t implemented it into BanAsync, despite iirc that being like the whole point of BanAsync


I’ll believe it when i see it!


If you don´t know how to prevent exploits or bots in your game, you´re not being creative enough.


so if i leave my phone overnight to grind something on a game will that get detected by AI that never makes mistakes and get me banned? im not talking about exploiting, just an autoclicker.

even if the answer is no, i still dont trust this, and even if i get falsely banned, roblox support will not do a SINGLE thing to help me. maybe just send an email to say they cant verify ownership of the account.


There is a difference in between autoclicking and exploiting. You can still afk grind a game using an autoclicker. I used to, and still kind of do, afk in games all the time, autoclicking and everything, and never got banned or warned for doing it. No real need to worry about it. If this IS true, a lot of simulators are gonna get innocent people banned, which I don’t think Roblox wants.


There are many developers that believe it’s too hard to prevent them and because of that, they do not try fixing the issue and instead let roblox do it, this is common among many developer’s i’ve seen.


Enhanced users are not likely to have such problems with getting IP banned and having their entire IP address blacklisted, or any of the above such as HWID blacklist, unless what they did was extremely serious, this is how it is really, but the system never worked and it’s still being worked on.

Bots are a problem in any game on any platform, were lucky it’s even being currently addressed, these problems were already going to get addressed at some point anyway due to the growing anti-exploit being developed by Roblox’s team, but it wasn’t as major as it already is.

There is absolutely no argument involving bots and siblings, even adding that in there is just absolute flaw, these people are running over a 1,000 bots at once, they are subject to being raided by the federal government for this illegal activity, I feel nothing for anyone involved in this act.


That is exactly the issue, the bots inflate the player count, front page placement, etc. But on the Roblox side, they are paying for the server/bandwidth time to let those bots run around and then to make profit off of Roblox in the 3rd party market. I don’t blame Roblox for wanting to cut out all the farm bots, it cost them money and lets someone else make money off of them.

It’s like your Neighbors running an extension cord from your house to power a cryptocurrency mining computer. They run up your electric bill and profit from it. Roblox would see this as no different. Server resources are not free. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


This is what people don’t understand, these bots aren’t paying for premium so creators and Roblox alike get profit while they also receive profit, it’s actively causing all the game’s economy to collapse by consistently farming over 10,000 bots at once in every single game to gain high level items and resell all of them for barely a measly dollar inside of random Vietnamese black-market Roblox marketplaces, absolutely tanking engagement and playtime when there’s so many copies of “rare” items that it’s not worth it to level in a game where everything is basically a spoon-feed away.


From what I know a report is only required for people using android emulators as Hyperion is only on window’s atm.