Preventing Account Farming and Exploits

Roblox is actually taking action against exploiters! But I don’t think using AI is good.

But at least their taking action.

What if someone is falsely banned? Can they appeal?
Will this be able to take care of the bot farming problems?

Where are some games with bots and calculated percentage.

  • Fisch: 30 - 55% bots
  • MM2: 40 - 75% bots
  • Pet Sim 99: 99.5% bots
  • Pets Go: 99.8% bots

I think they accept features that benefit themselves, and not the community. But idk that’s just a guess


Byfron didn’t do anything, partnership with synapse didn’t do much. And this is what’s gonna happen? When I see it work I’ll believe it.


In my opinion modified clients and any type of script injection is what Roblox should aim to prevent the most. I think it is the developer’s responsibility to make games intuitively designed as to simply standing still and auto clicking not getting them anymore, as that would lack any sort of game interaction anyways.


Is Byfron added to mobile? The bots use a mobile emulator so perhaps a bypass on mobile? Bots are difficult to track cause they look like normal accounts, we just have to see how well the detection does.


Byfron/Hyperion has basic detection measures on mobile. However those in charge of Hyperion do not have permission to ban the bots/exploiters they detect. That is the crux of the issue and why it is still a problem today.


nope I don’t think so cause actually unless they get caught

1 Like


(translation: Hi, there’s many people who can’t join my new game, error code is 600 (BanAsync))

It does work though, although isn’t really that great. The image in question implies to someone admitted to exploiting on their alt in the same device, and banning alts via IP isn’t really that effective considering Carrier-grade NAT, public networks (e.g. schools, universities, restaurants, etc.) and, normal-sized families in a single home?


is there any reason particular to why they can’t? would be funny to see every cheater marked for exploiting suddenly marked for termination, sort of how valve did it with tf2 lmao


I have a feeling that this will stop a big portion of bot accounts, but it won’t stop all.

no solution is perfect.


The public comment that I have read from a member of the Byfron team was:

We are a team that, at times on a larger scale, reduces the number of users, while the company’s goal is to increase that number. I hope you can see why some decisions aren’t up to us.

Which lines up with things I was told directly. Essentially, Roblox is not allowing the Byfron anti-cheat team to ban exploiters they detect and instead make them perform circus tricks every time they want to enact a ban wave. All this botting/exploiting stuff would be easily solved if Roblox respected the anti-cheat and let them do their job. Instead now they’re coping with “AI models” and other nonsense instead of just throwing the book at bots/cheaters and wiping them off the platform.

This isn’t a technical issue, it’s a policy one. One that Roblox does not want to address properly.


ill see it to believe it.

it looks like we are on our own to fix this because roblox has its own valve time, when will roblox make linux, when will roblox fix hackers, when will roblox fix bots, when will roblox make its smaller devs more visible. Its always more and more issues. (this is my opinion of course)


I’m glad Roblox is improving bot detection with automated action against abnormal activity and hardening their internal systems. But I don’t think the enhanced developer toolkit will help with this because why would Roblox developers actively go out of their way to do something that reduces their player counts and revenue if the algorithm is promoting it.

I think instead, Roblox should focus on improving their algorithm to promote better content on their platform and punishing games where players aren’t even actually playing the game. If they’ve been fighting a war against exploiters and bots for this long it shouldn’t be a bigger problem now than it was before which is why I feel like this announcement isn’t super promising or comforting. I also think exploiters and bots will always just find new ways around it.

The Solution
If Roblox wants to be a platform where creativity flourishes and competition fuels play. Here is a suggestion that would improve the reputation of the platform and the quality of the games to match that description. It would also lead to more worldwide recognition and growth.

All ID-verified users get a “Golden Buzzer” it’s kind of like leaving a like on a game, except they can only do it once each year. Due to that limitation, users would only hit the golden buzzer on a game that is exceptionally good.

Games would be promoted/demoted based on the amount of Golden Buzzer hits they get (with respect to their player counts) This feature would certainly promote better games in the algorithm.

I also think it would help Roblox to start having games that are recognized worldwide. Have you noticed how you can walk up to practically any person on the planet and ask them if they know who Mario from Nintendo is, or who Spongebob is, or what FNAF stands for, or more currently what squid game is and they’ll always knows the answer? There has never been a Roblox game to ever reach that level of recognition, and if there was we would know about it because it would be the only thing the world talks about for a month.

This feature is different from the normal like/dislike for 3 reasons.

  1. It is very limited in terms of how often it can be used.

  2. Ratings as a measurement are impacted significantly by dislikes from rage quits.

  3. Games get inflated ratings by incentivizing players to leave a like. Which brings me to one of the most important features of this:

Developers should have no way of knowing whether someone hit the golden buzzer on their game, and it should be against the Roblox TOS for devs to in any way incentivize or ask users hit the golden buzzer in their game.

Admittedly I’m proposing this a little bit out of bias as someone that creates narrative experiences on the platform which are more focused on evoking emotions rather than harvesting dopamine, and maybe I’m wrong and Roblox (especially it’s younger audience) actually prefer those games and I just don’t understand it.

Even though I think this is better than the current algorithm I think it could also be good if at the very least it was used alongside the current algorithm as a 7th benchmark.

Currently, Roblox already makes some efforts to promote better games through the rating system, like by having a Top Rated section on the Charts page. I think this new feature would be much better and that it should be incorporated directly into the benchmarks.

I really think that something like this would motivate developers to start creating super engaging games that people really love and feel blown away by.
What do you guys think?


good idea. might require work but ya pretty cool.


I was much referring to Hyperion’s HWID alt detection, which would be far more reliable, which has not been implemented by Roblox on the backend despite it being implemented on frontend for months, perhaps even over a year.


It’s great that Roblox is taking action and being very proactive around the farm accounts, exploits, and automated playing. That shows their concern with fairness and security in line with developments in the improvement of Hyperion.


all these bots seriously are getting old…


Byron, Synapse partnership, Hyperion, and whatever else Roblox has allegedly done to tackle exploits. Yet I made a simple fly/fling anti-exploit detector by myself and am banning exploiters daily as a result? Where is the improvement that Roblox keeps supposedly striving for?


Why does everyone care so much about these bots anyway? It isn’t hard to find a normal server, honestly just server hop if you manage to find a bot server. There are bigger issues than robots teleporting to coins.


I see all of that kreek (I am subbed to you by the way).