I am having some trouble trying to figure out the best method to detect speed exploiters. It seems like it fires a lot of false positives due to lag and such. Since they can disable local scripts, I have to use server side scripts to detect them.
-- Local Vars
local maxspeed = 22
local checktime = 1
local root = script.Parent:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
local lastcf = root.CFrame
local LastTim = os.time()
--Main logic:
while wait(checktime) do
local currentSpeed = math.floor((Vector3.new(lastcf.p.X, 0, lastcf.p.Z) - Vector3.new(root.Position.X, 0, root.Position.Z)).magnitude)
local currentTim = math.ceil(os.time() - LastTim)
if currentSpeed > (maxspeed * currentTim) then
print("Exploit Detected: "..currentSpeed)
lastcf = root.CFrame
LastTim = os.time()
Does anyone have a better method to detect speed exploiters server side without triggering many false positives? Thanks for any suggestions
Basically, each player and network may have different patterns. More than that, some latency issues may look exactly like an exploiter and an exploiter may look exactly like a laggy player. However, machine learning can still learn some valuable information and depending on the method report how sure it is that a player is exploiting. How do you design and implement these algorithms? Well, that’s the fun part I’ll leave to you.
However, there is a better way! Prevention rather than intervention. Whitelist over blacklist (don’t get me started on modern anti-virus software, I don’t use any. I recommend VoodooShield to family / friends). Maintenance vs repair. There isn’t a problem if you define appropriate ways for the client to interact with game servers. This includes their character. I’m not aware of a good server-side character implementation, but if you’d like to put forth the effort to pioneer it, many, many developers would benefit and most probably worship you.
You’ll always get some false positives. If they lag, fall, glitch or anything similar. Unless you actually have a problem with speed exploiting and it destroys your game I would say don’t add such system.
I really love your machine learning suggestion. Definitely will take that into consideration.I think that would help reduce the amount of false positives but won’t really eliminate it. Thanks so much for your article as well on this. Very neat stuff man!
@IdiomicLanguage’s suggestion is probably the best way to go here. However, there is another method that I remember should work. Basically, when a player sets their WalkSpeed from the client, they are labeled as running on the humanoid from the server, but when you set the WalkSpeed from the server, it isn’t labelled as running.
Not 100% sure if that works but I remember reading it somewhere.
The thing was speed and teleport hack detection is too not kick the player right away. Players can get flung, lag can increase the amount they move, players with a bad connection may move in jolts.
The best way to prevent speed and teleport hacks
Just teleport them back to their previous position if a exploit is detected. Players that get flung will just be teleported back. Players that are laggy may rubber band a bit, but that sacrafice is for the greater good. Normal players will experience almost nothing, and exploiters will not be able to teleport or speed hack.
You do it pretty well with this line:
You could kick them after a certain amount of attempts, but make it high and make sure legitimate players do not get kicked.
If you have any more questions about this, feel free to ask.
This reply was composed on a mobile device. Please ignore all typos.
Or (even faster by a few miliseconds) do
root.CFrame = lastcf
Also the reason as to why you get false postivies for walkspeed is due to ping but adding a remote function for ping can defeat the whole purpose of it I recommend you add one or two extra studs to prevent teleporting back.
Relying on WalkSpeed to detect speed hacking is pretty pointless. You should only be concerned about the displacement of the character over a span of time.
I’ve seen many people use teleportation but on a laggy game with a lot of players, they would keep getting teleported back which might annoy some players.I could probably set it where it just detects a set amount of time and kill them.
.magnitude IS based off the position. .magnitude is the unit number of studs from one position to another. What I said it your should not rely on the velocity.