Basically I move my basic NPCS by a while loop with a :MoveTo(). I move my actual npcs with pathfinding and it’s more advanced, but just a basic version causes this to. I know this isn’t a problem which scripting it’s more of a physics thing. So how would I prevent this annoying thing?
I’m not sure if the same solution could apply here, but when I had NPCs I didn’t want to be shoved around by the player, I enabled CustomPhysicalProperties and set Density to 100.
Disabling climbing made it better, but when I made the density of the HumanoidRootPart of the Zombie 100 it made it worse, and when I made the density 100 on all of the zombies parts it flinged me from the map.
The thing still happens though the zombies going on your head.
Well that fixes a lot of the cases, but there are still some cases where this still happens for example walking up ramps and the character jumping excessively on other zombies, any ways to prevent those?
This runs in a loop, there’s no need for a touched event. Magnitude checks replace the need of a touched event. Since the code is running in a loop it’s constantly doing magnitude checks making there be no need for a touched event.