hey! I’m trying to create a simple dashing system in my game, but I’m having problem when dashing into things. I basically glitch into the wall, and if the wall is a slope, then I get flung into the air. here’s an example video:
keep in mind that this dash isn’t the final product as it is only used to test
for more info, I use a LinearVelocity and have these settings:
local Attachment = Instance.new("Attachment")
Attachment.Parent = hrp
local LVel = Instance.new("LinearVelocity")
LVel.ForceLimitMode = Enum.ForceLimitMode.PerAxis
LVel.ForceLimitsEnabled = true
LVel.MaxAxesForce = Vector3.new(math.huge, 0, math.huge)
LVel.VectorVelocity = hrp.CFrame.LookVector * Speed
LVel.RelativeTo = Enum.ActuatorRelativeTo.World
LVel.Attachment0 = Attachment
LVel.Parent = Attachment
help is much appreciated!