Preventing trails from stretching out and getting larger when moving one attachment away from the other

Yeah, I know I can’t do that which is why I should probably open a feature request. Which is fine because I’m sure I’m not the only developer that will benefit from it.

Ok, what are you trying to make though? There’s probably a better at to do it…

I’m trying to create a lightning effect that stays attached to the player while also shooting out in a random direction. I’ve already got the shooting out of the player part handled, just not the one end staying attached to the player part. For the lightning, I have found that I can get the best looking lightning with trails so I’d prefer not to change those. But do you think it would be possible for me to constantly update the velocity of the lightning parts that shoot out of the player and contain the trails inside to match up with the players velocity using a renderstepped function so that its constantly “Attached” to the player while still shooting out in a different direction? And I could make it so that once the lightning part hits a different part it stops updating the velocity.

Edit: Thanks for being so patient with me!

Can you send me the lightning trail? I have an idea but idk if it will work.

Do you want the trail part and the script that makes the parts shoot out from the Player?

Here’s the file to the lightning part:
LightningPart.rbxm (8.0 KB)

Just the trail works. I’m not sure if this will work though :sweat_smile:

Oh lol. What was your idea?

char limit t t t t t t t t tt t tt tt tt t t tt t

Well, I was going to try to convert the trail into a beam but unfortunately I couldn’t get the warping to replicate properly.

Yeah, I wish the beams had the same amount of customizability as the trails. I honestly don’t think that what I want to make is possible as of right now. And the worst part is I can’t open a feature request because I’m only a member. So I’ll have to just deal with it for now I guess.