Preview Script Pane


That’s uncanny.


Wonder where I got the idea? lol

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You may not like it, that doesn’t mean it’d be bad to add in. It’d probably be something you could toggle in studio. It’d help me big time for searching through my bigger scripts.


How does it help?

An actual use case would be nice.

I have a script that’s got a very long scroll bar. I view a chunk of code that looks like a function I need. I see where it’s located and can move down the appropriate amount without having the scan through the text.

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And how is that easier than just doing CTRL+F -> function functionName?

Seems like a tedious way to find things.

Even then, if you wanted you could make a plugin that could list the functions and you could open the script at the function’s definition using Plugin:OpenScript(script, line). Looking at ant-sized text to guess code based on block size seems really counter-productive.

By the time your code becomes long enough for the minimap to become useful you should already be splitting it into modules.
I don’t think it’s bad, but there’s more useful things they could devote resources to


There’s no rule that says that. I’m able to keep enough code in one script that this could be useful.

I know I’m not the only one either, @AxisAngle puts 7,000 lines into one script for PF.

Jesus what no
Stuffing 7000 lines of code into one script does not make you part of a cool kids club; it just means that you’re horribly inept at modularizing your code.


Who told you that?

That’s awfully presumptuous.

I hope you’re new to ROBLOX, either you had a horrible time when ModuleScripts didn’t exist.
(Oh, the good old days with the old ways, when local loadstring wasn’t something you had to script)

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There are so many things that need adding to the scripting window… so many… this would be a good addition among many other things. I hope we will get some updates this year, people shouldn’t really have to move software to write their code because ROBLOX is lacking behind the rest of the world.


At last year’s RDC West one of the things they were working on was converting place files into folders where scripts/etc would be files of their own, enabling them to be edited with external script editors and integrated with git. I’m guessing the script editor is at a state right now like cameras were prior to playerscripts coming out where any fancy stuff we want will be our problem soon enough and there’s no reason to implement it on their end when we’ll be able to soon enough.

Trey kept it all in one script because of micro-optimizations. Requiring a modulescript is slightly slower (albeit insignificantly) than having the same code hard-coded into the requiring script, so Trey being Trey went for all of the speed he could get. Phantom Force’s code is still organized into logical modules within that single script.

No, he’s not. You just have bad design philosophies.

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This may be a little off-topic, but what it that color scheme and skin for Sublime? It looks amazing :open_mouth:

You’re awfully opinionated. I’d like to see some facts or something that supports it’s a bad design philosophy apart from ‘because I said so and I’m right and you’re wrong’

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It’s not an opinion. You have every class-based language and every person who uses them telling you that throwing everything into one script/file is bad design. You should read the answer to this StackExchange post or google “Why should I split my program into classes” if you have any questions regarding that.

All the answers are opinions.

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“Murder is bad” is an opinion too, but society as a whole accepts it as a fact since so many people believe it. Technically is abstraction being good design an opinion? Yes. Would you get a job telling the interviewer that abstraction is evil and everything should be in one file? No. There’s a point where an opinion is so widespread that it’s pretty silly to go around saying “Oh it’s just an opinion! No merit at all!” Abstraction in programming wouldn’t be used so much if it were merely an opinion. I say that not because I can’t explain its value, but because you’ve just shot down every sort of reasoning behind why abstraction is used in programming as “opinions”.

Who really cares? It’s so annoying when people tell people how to code “properly”. All it does is create arguments. Keep your methods to yourself and let others do what they want.

Let’s get back on topic now.