FULLY Client sided (No more of a need to worry of playing animations on the server & replicating it over to the client! Woohoo, more performance to abuse! )
Hat Editor UI (Will support clothing as well, manage or purchase/remove an item from your worn hats)
Wearing accessories are loaded on the Server
Custom Purchasing Screen
Hat Stacking is all on the client!
Fixed animation breaking upon mannequin changes
Error Catching (If your UGC isn’t uploaded yet, set the ID value to 0. This will prevent the script from breaking aka PurchaseScreen cancellation)
You all can’t be serious… PREVIEW is literally the first thing I made sure to put in the title. Patience, like there’s no reason I should have to explain this.
Brother… you posted a response on the OP’s post saying, and I quote, “I’ve decided to bring this back to life!” and then added a hyperlink worded as “Release”.
… if it’s not released yet, don’t put “Release” and act surprised when people are confused about why they can’t find an available download.