Previewing a Sound in the Toolbox sometimes makes a reverb/echo sound effect

Ever since the new filters came out for sounds in the Toolbox, previewing audio is sometimes buggy.
Sometimes if you preview an audio in the toolbox, the audio will play in like an echo kind of an effect, like your playing 2+ of the same sounds. Also pausing the audio, and playing it again also causes this bug.

To reproduce, pause and play an audio preview a few times.

Here’s an example:


This is a annoying as heck issue, while already trying to traverse the dreaded sound library for good sfx only way I’ve been able to get around it is to manually insert each audio into my game and play it, you don’t even need to preview it multiple times for it to take effect sometimes.


I am also still having this issue. The only difference is that it happens 100% of the time for me.
I posed about this issue here:


It also has reverb sounds it’s super bugged, it needs to be revamped, even the time that shows how long the sound is, is bugged, i’ve seen many of like 0:01 and the sounds themselves are longer than this, needs to be fixed. annoying ah.

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Thanks for the report! This is on our radar and should be fixed ASAP :slight_smile:


I don’t mean to be rude, but this still hasn’t been fixed yet. You know whats going on? or is there something that we should be aware about?


Ok, this is taking longer than usual. Any reason for the delay? We haven’t gotten anything back from you guys yet and this bug is still occurring.


Ok, it’s been 8 months and nothing has happened.
Not only do we have to put up with an inaccurate search engine on the toolbox, but we still have to put up with terrible audio previews with inconsistent reverbs.

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I am having this issue. I believe the thing that is causing it is because the sound plays twice which makes a chorus effect. It can be fixed by just pausing and playing it again with some sounds. Some, sounds however still have the duplicate track even if I pause it. Sometimes the sound keeps playing even after I stopped the sound

This does affect my ability to find good sounds.


I don’t have this problem anymore no idea why but I did have it around June 2020, it also affected the way I can find good audios so I simply just try to search for them on the website.

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