Previous Usernames No Longer Show On Profiles

To be fair 1000 robux is a very minimal amount in today’s economy and I believe many bad actors would not hesitate to spend that cost if it meant avoiding the actions of moderation.


This is the only mainstream platform that links previous usernames to an account. This can be said for millions of other similar games, and does happen. But I feel like the scenarios that have actually happened are a much bigger problem compared to scammers. You can do the same thing in certain Minecraft servers etc.


It’s not just scammers that I’m worried about. I was talking about scammed so I won’t have to mention the more messed up stuff, but there’s also a lot of people who are using the roblox platform for illegal things, messed up things which I assume you could figure out what I mean. There’s a lot of those who care about their Roblox accounts and change their usernames alot. It’s going to be harder to identify such people and report them to Roblox now.


Wouldn’t they just use alts? There are people that join these types of games and report people in it and I’m sure that type of community would know that.


Not sure, probably you just find one in a random game acting inappropriately or something, and they just happen to change their name soon after that. I heard of cases where people were discovered to be weirdos because of their usernames history, having inappropriate usernames in there.

There’s cases where usernames history would be needed.

By reading the post I understand that in december, Roblox will only censor names that look like real names in your history? I hope that’s the case

And hopefully names api still returns all usernames

If you’re re-adding the ability to view past usernames then please try to look into a possible way of letting us hide our past usernames. If moderation is that big of an issue, you could always just make it so that a past username must have been changed x months ago before it can be hidden, or that the user must be phone-verified, etc.

I was so excited when I first saw this, until I realized that this is only temporary, and that past usernames are coming back in December. I have so many reasons why I want to hide my past usernames.

The “Hide Past Usernames On Profile” feature request thread was created over 5 years ago and has over 500 likes, with plenty of people giving their support and reasons behind wanting it.


Instead of re-enabling the previous usernames visibility could you alteast add an option to hide old usernames? I’d rather not have someone be able to see that I used to go by MasterMcGamerYT when I was 9 years old.


idelww, would this be a possible solution aswell? If someone cared enough about reporting they would do it asap and they only really need a month minimum. More time can be possible in case it’s a repeat offender, but this seems like it’d be good.


Yeah, that would also be a great thing, allowing people to hide usernames but the last month’s usernames would also be a good thing, keeping the privacy while also temporarily preventing some issues.


This doesn’t work for the people who WANT their past usernames hidden. Roblox should not have given this false hope of removing a feature that’s gonna be replaced either way. What’s the point of removing it from being searched but not on their profile?

There needs to be options for us players considering we carry this platform and make a huge difference, we should have a say in this as well. We should have the option to hide our past usernames regardless. Please consider this post and think wisely!!


As someone who was in the replies of the “Hide Past Usernames On Profile” feature request mentioned a couple times in the thread, I can tell y’all, I feel safer with my past usernames hidden. It’s such a small thing that honestly goes a long way.

As xyrafrost proposed, this would be such a great solution to so many problems that there might’ve been with the idea of “hiding names” in the first place.

I also agree with Lunar’s point; If you can still search the old username and it’ll pop up with a result as mentioned by the staff member, what REALLY is the point of hiding said old name if it’ll still show up as both a search result, and on the users profile? I’m genuinely kinda lost on it.

I still do hope Roblox introduces a Hide Username feature at some point outside of this though. The current change just doesn’t seem like much that’ll help in the long run, unless there’s more to it that we just don’t know yet.


Why not have an option for it?


This is long overdue. Happy to see that something is changing.

They changed basically nothing imo. Did you read the whole post? (not being rude or passive aggressive, genuine question. I see how it sounds with that question mark there) You’ll still be able to view them in the future. We just cannot see them for now.

I feel like the post just didn’t specify it, as they mentioned preventing visibility of violating usernames, would be stupid to mention that as the reason to then re-enable that bit, and at least they are doing something.


With this update, now we can’t see past usernames being used but what about peoples who did bad things in their past (like Aloha_Vix on meep city, got exposed a lot on Youtube)? Her past username was Princess_Vix17 and if someone were to do another exposed video, they won’t have any proof anymore bc the past usernames been hidden.

I understand others points though.

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again, this isn’t really a valid point like i stated before

for moderation, we can just use userIDs which are completely unique…

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believe it or not dude, the api is still returning the old usernames of a person so they just literally did a visual change; i don’t see how this is a solution

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This is a terrible idea. Quite a few groups, and myself, use past usernames to keep users who have been known to cause trouble out, as you do not have a solution to keep repeat offenders out of groups, leaving us to manually keep track ourselves. There has to be a better solution than this.

Groups are adding permanent exiles soon. It’s in the Roadmap. Second, respectfully, it’s bad practice to use usernames, and better to use UserIds. This applies in scripting, and it should also apply on the site.


Hopefully alt detection is also added to permanent exiles on group level, alike added to experience’s BanAPI.