Main Handbook
We are one of the fastest growing cafe & clothing groups on the Roblox platform. We offer one of the most popular drinks, different from normal café games. Since the start of our launch in 2022, Primé Aesthetics has grown to a few members.
We are dedicated to providing the best experience for our guests and staff team. The following information that is going to be stated will help guide those who want information on Prime Aesthetics. Please read all the relevant information especially if you are a staff member who wishes to apply with us.
All information below
Rank Information
Premium Customer | Unlimited
A member that supports us by joining our group
Supporters | Unlimited
Supporters ➪ » 10+ purchases of clothing
Blossoms | Unlimited
Blossoms ⚣ » 15+ Purchases.
Exclusive | Unlimited
Exclusive ⋆ ➪ » 20+ Purchases
Premium Shopper | Unlimited
Premium Shopper ➪ » 45+ Purchases
5 Star Buyer | Unlimited
Top league Buyer ➪ » 70+ Purchases
➶ Shopping Icon ★ 200+ Purchases ➪
Shopping Legend | Unlimited
All/Most items bought
Noted Customer | Unlimited
A member who is SHR+ friend or is a former staff member of Prime Aesthetics
Allied Representative | Unlimited
Representative from other groups that Prime Aesthetics formed an alliance with.
Lead Designer | 10
Members who design clothing for Prime Aesthetics.
Trainee | Unlimited
An individual who applied for this rank through applications or went to training for it
Junior Barista | Unlimited
This is the first rank you are able to use the kitchen at, you are able to serve customers and wait until you are able to be promoted again up until the next rank
Barista | Unlimited
This is the third LR rank, you are one step closer to becoming an SB, until then you can serve at the kitchen until you get a training session .
Senior Barista | Unlimited
A Senior Barista is someone who is eligible to be promoted to Head Barista, this is an important rank as many requirements will come with getting promoted, you can no longer be promoted with trainings anymore, and you now have to earn HB by being active at the cafe.
Head Barista | Unlimited
SA ( Staff Assistant) MR eligibility. This means that you are able to be promoted to a MR if you work hard enough, this should take around 1-4 weeks depending on activity. you can be demoted for inactivity if you are not active. You must let us know when taking inactivity notices.
Staff Assistant | 60
An individual who has worked hard as a Head Barista and ended up to get promoted to Staff Assistant, time for this rank can take a 5 days - 3 months, depending on how many people, you can be demoted for inactivity if you are not active. You must let us know when taking inactivity notices. You must also actively attend trainings to train members who are new to the group. (SUPERVISED WHILST TRAINING)
Supervising Team | 65
Members of this rank are in charge of supervising the cafe and can train baristas without supervision. Or very little.
Management Team | 40
This is the Management Team rank , you are able to promote people from trainings when they happen, and you are supervising SA’s whilst training, you also may shadow them. You cannot promote and LR who are SB until AT+ Team, only in training after everyone has passed you have permission to.
Administration Team | 20
You are able to directly promote members who are SB–HB and you can promote them up to Supervising Team
Chief Staff Officer | 10
This is the first HR of the group, this members are capable of demoting, promoting supervising, and have extra jobs as HR do to, they can run trainings, stop trainings for any reason, correct, demote. promote also. Much more but confidential.
Chief Relations Officer | 3
(CRO) This has 3 different departments, first is the moderation department (Mod Lead) (Events Lead) These event leads deal with things such as alliance issues and they are who to DM if you wish to make an alliance request, any new alliances will be announced in the group.
Chief Operating Officer | 5
This is a step up from CSO, these members are able to have powers/moderation commands in the server, access to all channels in the server, access to promotion details and private parts of the server with ability to get HR of the month, Can see numerous staff chats and welcomes, can pin messages
Chief Executive Officer | 4
This is a step up from CSO. they get their own personal chat to communicate and discuss server issues, they are able to a claim appeal tickets and answer them, they can see development ticket issues and possibly answer and help if possible, and many other aspects of the server , can change others usernames, and much more other
Confidential information ! Found out when earnt. Can see numerous staff chats and welcomes, can pin messages, make annoucemements, see logs of staff.
Vice President | 2
Server Overseer, been in the group for a long time, can promote people to CEO, has access to backlog of server, has access to all parts of server, is able to give out OG ranks, can give out affiliate roles, can handle affiliate issues, is able to give out all ranks in the group as long as it is reasonable/ Under most circumstances is not necessary as the departments usually deal with it.
President | 1
Overseer can post in #announcements
Vice Chairman | 1
Co Owner of the group
Chairman | 1
SB & HB Promotion Guide
~ Primé Aesthetics® Senior Barista & Head barista Guide To SA
Our Administration team + is always looking for hard working and dedicated members who are fulfilling all needed positive requirements to join our Head barista team and afterwards our Middle rank team; Staff assistant. Below is a what to do/ what NOT to do coming up as a SB to HB.
You have to be active for at least 2 weeks to be able to receive a promotion as we would like to see your hard work, activity and everything that is stated in this guide.
Also it’s needed to be 13+ , safe-chat must be disabled and you must have 2fa on your Roblox & Discord account otherwise it’s impossible to be promoted.
Be professional, joking around is fine but only if you’re OFF shift, but even then, keep it to a minimal, not being too informal as a HB, this sets the fine line between being casual but professional at the same time,
Helpful, you must also be helpful to other baristas and customers while either if your on shift or off shift, you must remain helpful and respectful to each and every single one, no matter if you are a certain rank or not.
Reporting trollers, going to the discord server to report any trollers you may see in the server will significantly increase your chances, as you show you’re active in the game, you must report trollers immediately as soon as it happens, this is if there is no MR in your server.
No disrespect, just because you are now a SB or a HB does not mean you can disrespect people or individuals, if you are found to be disrespectful to lower ranks or ranks in general, you can be easily demoted.
Activity, you must be active for at-least 30 minutes - 1 hour a day, we recommend this. We would much rather you do 30 minutes to 1 hour of shifts than you do 12 hours in 1 day and don’t come back the next 3 days, this will significantly decrease any chance that you have or may have.
Chatting in the discord also shows displays of activeness but doesn’t necessarily define it in anyway or affect it.
MUST speak proper and good english, if you have bad grammar AND / or punctuation, this will significantly decrease/ remove your chances of moving up the ranks.
You must have a good greeting, an example of this is:
Hello! Welcome to Prime Aesthetics, how may I help you today? Whilst being at the counter ofcourse.
→ A promotion can take from 2 weeks that means that there isn’t any specific time to be promoted it can take longer or shorter.
→ If you fulfill every needed requirement then you’ll probably be promoted soon.
Don’t troll or break any rules generally (in-game or in the roblox discord) as it can lead to consequences; ban, pban. Depending on how severe it is.
Don’t act like an MR+ / HR+ this won’t impress us, it will be seen as the opposite so negatively.
→ Includes standing around and supervising; answering help calls etc.
→ stating any Mr commands and acting like they’re working.
→ Answering the group wall and handling trollers there.
→ “I want to be a Head barista would”
→ Asking for admin / promotion
→ I’m working harder as others
Not hinting;
→ I hope that they will get (rank) / promoted soon
→ Best of luck on Hb
→ I hope that I will be soon a Hb
→ Where is the admin?
Inactive for days in a row
→ Being inactive for a certain period of time is not recommended as activity must be consistent to show your dedication towards the group
Please remember that if you have got any past consequences this may or may not affect weather you get promoted or demoted.
We all wish you best of luck for your dream rank. You are more than welcome to use this guide for head barista and above.
Thank you for reading this guide and we hope that it will be helpful for you!
Approved by the Primé Aesthetics ® Owner & the HR team.
Wrote by: Btwlena21, Administration Team.
Last updated: 9th March, 2024.
Alliance Information
~ Primé Aesthetics ® Affiliates ~
Introduction: Here are all of the listed requirements that you need to fulfill in order to apply with Primé Aesthetics ®.
minimum 20k members
good upstanding
professional staff
no selling ranks (Mr+ selling or getting it through applications)
good history between lots of communities
Information: Once your alliance request has been successfully accepted or denied, one of our HR team members will inform you about it through our communications server.
→ This can happen if you don’t fulfill one of our requirements above, because it’s really important to us that everything is fulfilled because otherwise it would be unfair for others.
Code of Conduct
~ Primé Aesthetics® Code of Conduct
It is mandatory for staff to show professionalism at all times. As a member a part of the staff team, you represent the community of Prime Aesthetics® and what we stand for. Not following the regulations as a staff member will result in an immediate demotion.
Not using grammar when serving Customers is not permitted, you must at all times use grammar while at the counter and while speaking to the customers, this is mandatory for the professionalism of the group and game in total, when you are OFF-duty you do not have to use grammar & can talk to friends but must remain casual and professional, and never disrespectful.
Hinting for a promotion is not permitted. You must not hint for a promotion it is NOT allowed. Doing so can just be talking about your role near an AT+ or insisting that you have been working hard or wish to get promoted yourself near any AT or in the discord server in general
All staff must abide the Roblox Community Rules .
All staff must dress appropriately you must show ALL of your uniform while you are in the kitchen, this means that you cannot have anything that doesn’t show all parts of your uniform, you can also not have outfits that take up humungous amounts of space in or out of the kitchen, this also applies to customers too.
Dressing in the wrong manor or wearing no clothes at all is NOT allowed and can be followed up by asking you to either add or remove clothing or change it, if this does not happen however, the consequences will just be a ban.
Admin Abusing is also another instant demotion/termination and will not be tolerated. We instantly demote and permanently blacklist for any thing remotely like admin abusing.