Print 2014 without using any numbers in your source code

They don’t have any Lua answers yet, so the first one of those will be the category winner by default.

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x = #"ha" print(x..x-x..x/x..x*x)

Did it ;p

Lets try that again.

In pure Lua.

You can’t use any numbers.

You can’t use any numbers.[/quote]

It also has to be in one script, I believe, due to the nature of the challenge.

Just posted to poke some fun guys :wink: Although im tempted on retrying this, i have a project im working on.

Does this count?

print(string.byte("È") * string.byte("\n") + string.byte("r") - string.byte("d"))

I know, I know, cheap way of doing it. But technically…

[quote] Does this count?

print(string.byte("È") * string.byte("\n") + string.byte("r") - string.byte("d"))

I know, I know, cheap way of doing it. But technically… [/quote]

I think that does. :smiley:


best I could get without using byte

Does this count as not using numbers?


[quote] Does this count as not using numbers?

math.ceil(math.pi^(#(“abcdefg”)))*(#(“ab”))/(#(“abc”)) [/quote]

[quote]So, now that it’s 2014, it’s time for a code question involving the number 2014.

Your task is to make a program that prints the number 2014 without using any of the characters 0123456789 in your code and in a way which doesn’t depend on 2014 being the current year.

The shortest code (counting in bytes) to do so in any language in which numbers are valid tokens wins.[/quote]



p.s. I am winning

[quote] print(#“ok”…#“”…#“q”…#“swag”)

p.s. I am winning [/quote]

You just did this to my mind:

External Image

[quote] print(#“ok”…#“”…#“q”…#“swag”)

p.s. I am winning [/quote]

Oh, please.


I Win

x = #"ha"


EDIT: Oh, I just saw that someone else used the same method, lol, but it works!

[quote] print(#“qw”…#“”…#“q”…#“rekt”)

EDIT: Oh, I just saw that someone else used the same method, lol, but it works! [/quote]

Mine’s still shorter. You have 33 characters, I have 30.