You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:
What do you want to achieve? Quality game performance.
What is the question? Server scripts that run the most basic function on Roblox. Print function that runs in a loop.
while task.wait() do
print("Hello World")
The game obviously requires performance to use the print function in a loop… despite how basic it is. Is it better to only use print for debugging? Or does it not take away performance at all when it isn’t spammed and is safe to use it after firing various functions?
Example of what I’m asking.
local function HelloMyFriend()
--function one here
print("Changed the humanoid state to jumping") --Does running me cause unnecessary lag?
local function HelloMyNemesis()
--function two here
print("Changed the humanoid state to dead") --Does running me cause unnecessary lag?
while task.wait(2) do
HelloMyFriend() --Prints so you can see what hellomyfriend function did
HelloMyNemesis() --Prints so you can see what hellomynemesis function did