Printing how many letters are in a text box

I am doing this as kind of a test for a matchmaking system. I have no clue why its not working all the way. I need it to update every time something new is added to the textbox. it only prints right as i join the game. Any idea?

local TextBox = script.Parent.Type
local Text = TextBox.Text
local Letters = string.len(Text)
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You need to have an event trigger in your code for when the Text property is changed.

local TextBox = script.Parent.Type

TextBox:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Text"):Connect(function() --This looks for when the text property has changed
     local Text = TextBox.Text
     local Letters = string.len(Text)

I actually didnt think about that, thanks for the help!

I get no errors and I did implement it correctly. Im sorry, im quite new to Luau

Are you having issues with the code? Sorry just confused on that.

Yes, i am having problems.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((30 bypass

Alright, is this code running in a Local Script? The icon in the explorer window would look this:


This makes sure the code runs on the client, which is needed to get their typing input.

so sorry for wasting your time, when you gave me the example code, I just typed it up (because i like my scripts a certain way) and made it GetPropertyChangedSignal("text") instead of GetPropertyChangedSignal("Text"). so yes, i was actually getting an error

No worries, I’m just browsing DevForum right now. Glad the issue was an easy fix.

so its just multiplying the number I had when I joined, every time i hit a new letter it just multiplies it by 1 (which of course doesnt change the actual number) it even does it when i hit back space

I want it to print another print every time i add a letter/number

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The first issue with the multiplication I’m not sure what would be causing that. I’ll work on a solution for the second issue.

EDIT: Below script will only print when a non-space character is added and will only print out the number of non-space characters. This is handled by using string.gsub to replace spaces with empty strings.

local TextBox = script.Parent
local lastStringNoSpaces = ""

TextBox:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Text"):Connect(function() --This looks for when the text property has changed
	local Text = string.gsub(TextBox.Text," ","")
	local Letters = string.len(Text)
	if Text ~= lastStringNoSpaces then
		lastStringNoSpaces = Text
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I forgot to tell you, I figured it out. Thank you so much for all the help

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