- I am creating a baggage truck for a game. To get the bar on the inside to raise/lower I am using a PrismaticConstraint.
- However Occasionally the PrismaticConstraint gets stuck.

My script is below (script isn’t done but I need to figure out how to fix the prismatic constraint before finishing the script.)
If anyone can help or give suggestions on how to fix the prismatic constraint it would be greatly appriciated.
game.ReplicatedStorage["Baggage System"].OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, fun)
if fun == "-1" then
script.Parent.PrismaticConstraint.TargetPosition = 0
script.Parent.PrismaticConstraint.Speed = 0.67
elseif fun == "+1" then
script.Parent.PrismaticConstraint.TargetPosition = 2.64
script.Parent.PrismaticConstraint.Speed = 0.82
elseif fun == "Stop" then
script.Parent.PrismaticConstraint.Speed = 0