It’s been a long time since I’ve built something. Thought of a Prison Cafeteria. Please give me feedbacks.
It looks good so far. However, the orange color is kinda overwhelming. I would change the color of the lunch tables since orange doesn’t really fit them in my opinion. I realize that you’re going for a more simplistic build, but I feel like you can add some minor details to the walls to make them ‘pop’ a little more so it’s not just these orange walls. Maybe add a wall trim around the bottom or a border around the middle of the walls. I hope this helps, let me know if you need any more feedback.
I agree with this. Maybe try something more like this:
Besides that, looks great! Very polished and clean, and gives me jailbreak vibes. Good stuff!
Add bars to the window. A window in a prison without bars makes the prison not so secure.
You should also make the plates more detailed. Currently, its just a brick.
Also, what are those colorful window things at the back?