Prison Roleplay Guidelines

Prison Roleplay Guidelines

These are the official rules and guidelines. Please read below before purchasing a rank donation.

Approved Commands

  • Kick

  • Ban

  • Refresh

  • View

  • Unview

  • Tp

  • To

  • Chatlogs

  • Logs

  • Cmds

  • respawn

  • !agents

  • !donate

  • !cape

Unreasonable use of commands can result in suspension, demotion or ban. Do not test commands to see if it works or not.


Hacking or exploiting is not tolerated under any circumstances. Any user found to have been hacking and/or exploiting will be permanently banned, and will be fired from your current group position.

Rank Donation Agreement

When buying a rank donation, the following terms and conditions apply:

  • Your rank gamepasses are not entitled to you permanently.

  • You can be demoted at any times or after breaking the regulations of Northwood.

  • Faking, remaking rank gamepasses to lead in confusion of administrators or ranking process will lead in a serious punishment.

  • Rank gamepasses however are counted as donations in Northwood meaning the benefits given are not guaranteed to be permanent.

  • There are no refunds after your privileges have been taken away lawfully.

  • Once you have decided to buy the gamepass of Northwood, you have agreed to the terms listed above and have granted the power to Prison Command.

  • You may only claim the rank donation once.

  • Claiming the rank donation more twice will result in a trello ban from all Prison Roleplay games.

  • This information may change at any times.

Prison Rules:

When playing the game, or the training centre, you must abide by these rules which include, but are not limited to:

  • Spawn killing will result in a ban.

  • Bypassing solitary by any methods such as using menu to glitch out, rejoining repeatedly are considered failed roleplay and will be taken seriously.

  • Exploiting or using programs to help you earn unfair abilities in the game will result in a permanent ban.

  • Hate speech towards a group, sex, religion, individual is violation to roblox ToS and not considered roleplay.

  • Moderation matters belongs to Administration Team and Prison Command, you must not engage in conversation.

Staff Rules

All Staff must follow these rules in order to prevent a suspension, and or demotion.
These include but are not limited to:

  • Disobeying lawful orders from superior is considered demotable.

  • Officers of any ranks or unit must never troll, that is also not considered roleplay but unprofessionalism in the group.

  • Ethics Committee may order executions or start experiments.

  • Do not permit prohibited access to inmates such as to staff room, prison exit

  • Do not help an inmate to break the prison rules

  • Officers must follow the prison schedule strictly and must never make up their own

  • Prison Command is the highest decision-maker if online in the prison, all ranks below must respect.

  • Officers must enforce lockdown strictly depending on each level. Fail to do will face serious consequences.

  • Officers must not show unprofessionalism in the prison.

  • Intentionally injuring or killing fellow Prison staff will result in a serious demotion or ban.

  • Officers must remain law and order in the prison and allow ERT or elite units to cooperate together with FOs.

  • Deputy Field Officer to Chief Field Officer may only lockdown lvl 1 unless permission given by Prison Command to lvl 2 or 3.


Is there a riot happening in the prison? Check our which lockdown level fits best for your scenario.

Lvl 1 - Officers must stop inmates from current activity and control them, inmates fail to comply must be arrested and send to solitary with permission from Prison Administration+.

Lvl 2 - Officers must follow orders from superior and take them in action, officers must stop the current chaos and mass arrests are allowed at this point. Officers may use lethal weapons if inmates are armed with knife or firearms, unauthorized weapon if inmate is not using said weapons to harm you. Inmates may be required to put their hands up (CTRL interact menu).

Lvl 3 - At least 2 armed inmates are appropriate for the lockdown Lvl 3. Officers must have all inmates stay on their stomach on the ground (by pressing ā€œcā€) inmates refuse to do so must be arrested immediately to solitary. Lawful use of lethal weapon is authorized at this point to gain control of prison, inmates that intend to harm or threaten officers can be arrested or killed at this point. Officers must cooperate with other elite units, permission to use of lethal weapon is not required at this moment.

Lvl 4 - Can only be authorized by a Chief Executive+

Lvl 5 - Can only be authorized by a Developer+

Other Rules

  • Officers Must Wear A Uniform

  • Respect Developers

  • If a developer comes in the game, do not crowd him/her

  • Respect SHRs

  • Always use the bot: "Prison Roleplay | Management " for shifts and trainings. (If the bot is offline, go to to wake the bot up)

  • These Guidelines may change at any time.

  • Do not mass kill


Feel like you were unfairly demoted, suspended or fired? Join the appeals server listed in: Our General Doccument

Document approved by,

Head Executive, Development Team, Lead Developer

Assistant Head Executive, Chief Executive

Document written by,

Assistant Executive, Chairperson.

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