Privacy settings continually being changed

I’ve been having this issue since early July, it is getting pretty annoying now.

This does not happen to me, I changed my inventory to No one a few months ago and nothing happened, even after 7 days of waiting

This was fixed for me for a few days, now it’s happening again

This bug still happens to me even today and is very annoying.

Still occurring daily for me, hope it gets fixed soon.

Still happening, Inventory opening at different times of the day.

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Still occurs pretty much 1-2 times a day for me usually around 11 pm - 3 am pst, only when I have premium as well

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This is also happening to me, I thought I was the only one. I turned my inventory to ‘Friends’ only so I could trade for a slight moment and then set it to ‘No one’, but I come back a few days later and it’s set to ‘Everyone’ or ‘Friends’ for some reason. My inventory doesn’t do this every single day like others are reporting, but it does it once, only a few hours after I change my inventory visibility and then change it back. I also have an active Premium subscription that I haven’t cancelled since last year.


I’m now experiencing this bug almost every time I view my privacy settings…

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@gigagiele is there any update on this situation? I’m also still experiencing this problem and it’s having an impact on development.

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Still experiencing this bug after two months

My privacy settings are working fine…

I’m also having this issue as well.

A lot of us developers rely on our inventories being kept private. Not only for privacy reasons but for security reasons too. There’s no point to having a setting for this if it’s always going to be set to “Everyone.”

Try by using “Friends” and see if it changes again after hours/days

Still happening, have to constantly reenable.

Still happening a few months down the line and would prefer my inventory to be kept private so assets aren’t leaked. Thought I was unknowingly changing it back and forgetting, but after finding this thread, its apparent that I wasn’t.

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Is this bug still happening for anyone? If so, can you include your userId and the date it happened on?

Dont know, @dobdev 's inventory is private right now, I wouldn’t know because I dont like having my stuff private

35323013, noticed and changed the setting yesterday.
I haven’t touched the setting myself since early November.

About a month ago I noticed that my account got unverified, which was the first time that I recall that happening to me. I looked around to make sure nothing else was changed, and I couldn’t find anything noticable.

I decided to sign out of all sessions, change my password and re-verify my account afterwards, just to be safe.