So Im making a roleplay game, and I was curious:
Is it possible to make something like a VIP server for free?
So basiclly there would be a list of servers, where you can join a server or create your own.
To join a server you would need a password for it, which is set by the creator of the server.
Is that possible to do?
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Yes, it is possible with TeleportService
Do I need to save the reserved servers in a DataStore, or is there some :GetReservedServers() function or something?
I think you will have to use a DataStore if you want to “permanently” store their reserved server. Similar to what the code block on the documentation for ReserveServer
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If I use datastore, doesn’t that mean the limits will be quicky hit?
I actually want to delete the server once everyone leaves btw
You should not be hitting a DataStore limit? Are you creating hundreds of servers per second? Also I don’t think you can “delete” reserved servers. I think they are exist forever and just temporary close until someone teleports back to one.
I guess you are right about the 100 servers per second.
But if I want to make a server list will EVERY reserved server show up? Even the temporarily closed ones?
Use a DataStore and save all of the access tokens to the currently open reserved servers. When everyone has left the given server you could send a request to remove the current server from the DataStore entries.