I keep getting this error message every single time not sure why but it says “PrivateServerOwnerId cannot be checked on the client, please check on the server.” I need help please
If you’re using a local script to check it you need to use a normal server script.
How do I check it since it’s suppose to be a local script?
I’d suggest invoking a remote function then having the remote function return the necessary value.
I’ll try to figure it out, thanks for you’re help
How do I return the necessary value exactly?
RemoteFunction.OnServerInvoke = function()
return Value
Full documentation here: RemoteFunction | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
Isn’t it InvokeServer since its returning if it’s a private server?
I edited the original message but yes,
local Result = RemoteFunction:InvokeServer()
Thanks dude, It helped alot with this project