Problem in other fields

Hello everyone,
I am a sciptor on Roblox. When I make games, I run into problems with design, modeling, and overall art since I can only script and design UI. This is becoming a pretty big road block for some of the game ideas I have in mind.

For example, if I wanted to make a gun, I would find a mesh in the toolbox and write my own scripts for it. If I didn’t find the proper gun mesh I wanted then I’m out of luck. I don’t make sufficient amounts of robux to buy expensivce models and maps online either. Or hire any other developers.

If their is anyone out their who has a similar problem, maybe even in different fields, tell me how you overcame this. Or exaplain to me how I can work around this or even work through it.

I have a similair problem
I can build, UI design, but not script

I was overcoming my problem by getting the scripts from anywhere I can. If I couldn’t, I trashed my game because I knew I couldnt get those scripts

I dont even hire people because of the fear of geeting scammed and my lack of robux

So, my game right now is only 70% me

My advice is to raise robux on PLS DONATE or do commissions, or learn to build it yourself
Or maybe you have a friend who’ll do it for free :confused:

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