Problem: Parts with different orientations but same LookVector

I have this Main part, made up of 6 inner MeshParts, each one pointing in a direction, like the faces of a dice:


When running this script, you can see that parts 5 and 6, even with opposite orientations, have the same LookVector:

for _, Part in ipairs(workspace.Main.Parts:GetChildren()) do
	print(Part.Name, "Or:", Part.Orientation, "LV:", math.floor(Part.CFrame.LookVector.X),math.floor(Part.CFrame.LookVector.Y), math.floor(Part.CFrame.LookVector.Z))  

P1 Or: 0, 180, 0 LV: -0 -0 1
P2 Or: 0, 0, 0 LV: -1 -0 -1
P3 Or: 0, 90, 0 LV: -1 -0 0
P4 Or: 0, -90, 0 LV: 1 -0 -1
P5 Or: 0, 180, 90 LV: -0 -0 1 ← same LookVector
P6 Or: 0, -180, -90 LV: 0 0 1 ← same LookVector

As I understand it, P5 should point up (0, 1, 0) and P6 should point down (0, -1, 0).
However, both are with LookVector on Z (0, 0, 1).

What is wrong?

Here the sample project: Baseplate.rbxl (39.4 KB)

There was something internally corrupted with P5 and P6 (although they are the same MeshPart).
Even so, I deleted P5 and P6 and recreated them from P1, just changing the rotation and position again.
This fixed the problem.

Just to keep track of possible similar issues from other users, the cause of the issue reported in this thread was because MeshParts created in Blender did not have FrontFace pointing to Z.

By changing the rotation of the original MeshPart inside Blender and exporting it back to Studio, everything was fixed.

Thanks, @steven4547466 for the Face Selector Plugin tip and for finding the solution.