Hello I don’t know why, the capture tool is never worked on MAC Version but always worked on y Windows 7, so I never took good capture (small size…) with my Mac Book air, please fix the problem because I need to take a screenshot for my project !
I’m on mobile so I can’t help, but I have a Mac and it does work for me. Don’t know why it Dosent for you. Will check when i get on my PC. In the mean time, use Shift+Command+4, then select the part you want to take a picture of with a cursor that will appear. Like II said, I’ll try and be helpful later and update this comment.
it’s what I do actually but the quality is very low with Shift, Command and 4
Gyazo is also very blurry on Mac. I just use the original Mac way.
- Have you checked to see where the ROBLOX screenshots are going? When you click the button, what does it say?
I know Gyazo but my problem is ,I really need to get a big quality in 1080p because my computer shows me too many pixels, you see ?
it says nothing, I find no pictures from roblox studio in Finder
your screenshot is in 800x419 , I try to have better on my computer and I mean I can’t …
How about trying to change the rendering quality in studio settings?
Oh yeah, not to mention that the screenshot size becomes smaller for each docked window.
If you have an antivirus running, try disabling it. This has happened to me before.
You go in emulator and you will see the option on the top of the screen
I think I have no antivirus on my computer
Are there any errors in the output? There are usually errors when screenshots fail to capture.
Wait… so what you’re basically trying to do is to take a screenshot of a 1920x1080 display on a screen that’s max resolution is 1440x900? You’ll never have a good quality pic from an emulator with a display smaller than what you’re trying to emulate. Try asking someone with the desired screen resolution to take the screenshot for you.
the output shows screenshots in bad quality
i taught to do it, yes I’ll ask to somebody with a computer who have a better quality yes