Problem Roblox Studio to take screenshot in quality

Hello I don’t know why, the capture tool is never worked on MAC Version but always worked on y Windows 7, so I never took good capture (small size…) with my Mac Book air, please fix the problem because I need to take a screenshot for my project ! 24


I’m on mobile so I can’t help, but I have a Mac and it does work for me. Don’t know why it Dosent for you. Will check when i get on my PC. In the mean time, use Shift+Command+4, then select the part you want to take a picture of with a cursor that will appear. Like II said, I’ll try and be helpful later and update this comment.

it’s what I do actually but the quality is very low with Shift, Command and 4

Have you tried downloading a snipping tool? I believe that Gyazo should work fine for Mac.

Gyazo is also very blurry on Mac. I just use the original Mac way.

  • Have you checked to see where the ROBLOX screenshots are going? When you click the button, what does it say?

I know Gyazo but my problem is ,I really need to get a big quality in 1080p because my computer shows me too many pixels, you see ? 04

it says nothing, I find no pictures from roblox studio in Finder

Weird, I use the screenshot tool in Studio and it works perfectly on Mac.

your screenshot is in 800x419 , I try to have better on my computer and I mean I can’t …

How about trying to change the rendering quality in studio settings?

Oh yeah, not to mention that the screenshot size becomes smaller for each docked window.

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If you have an antivirus running, try disabling it. This has happened to me before.

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You go in emulator and you will see the option on the top of the screen

I think I have no antivirus on my computer :confused:

Are there any errors in the output? There are usually errors when screenshots fail to capture.

Wait… so what you’re basically trying to do is to take a screenshot of a 1920x1080 display on a screen that’s max resolution is 1440x900? You’ll never have a good quality pic from an emulator with a display smaller than what you’re trying to emulate. Try asking someone with the desired screen resolution to take the screenshot for you.

the output shows screenshots in bad quality :confused:

i taught to do it, yes I’ll ask to somebody with a computer who have a better quality yes

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