Problem Scaling Scrollingframe

Hi, i have a problem with scaling my Scrollingframe, all works but the UI don’t scales… Very unfortunate because the rest works and it is of no use to me, I don’t know anything about how I scale scrolling frames, given that this always goes wrong with me

Here a image:

Thank you in advance

There is a property called “AutomaticCanvasSize” for a ScrollingFrame/ Try setting that first. I tend to get the child element sizes and calculate scrolling frame size from there.

And then? Should it be on the X, XY, Y?

Done btw, dont works…

When designing UI, for the position and size, you will see a UDim2 property:

{..., ...}, {..., ...}.

The first value {_, ...} is the absolute position in pixels, meaning no matter the screen scaling or size it will always be the same. The second value {..., _} is the size, relative to the container (screen or canvas parent). For example, 0, would be nothing, 0.5 would mean 1/4 of the parent size, 1 would mean the full size, and so on.

When designing UI, you should use both of these appropriately. For the main design, you should use the scaling property. That means when the parent object gets bigger, the children will also get bigger.

If you have any questions, feel free to reply! Good luck :slight_smile:

Hi, I can’t scale this ;-; it stays that way