Problem scripting an owner only door


So, I’m trying to make an owner-only door for a tycoon that when it’s activated only lets the owner of the tycoon pass through and can be activated and deactivated.

The activation part works just fine, but the when it is activated it gives a nil on .Value on the FindFirstChild(“Tycoon”) line. Would that part need to be in a LocalScript to work? (Tycoon is an ObjValue in the player)

Here’s the code.

function kill(player)

local players = game:GetService("Players")
local button = script.Parent.Button
if script.Parent.Activated.Value == true 
	and player.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
	                          --error here on value \/
            and player:FindFirstChild("Tycoon").Value ~= script.Parent.Parent then
	print("attempted to kill "  .. player.Parent.Name)
	local character = player.Parent
	local human = character.Humanoid
	if human then 	
		print("Player killed!")
		human.Health = 0 

function activate(plr)
if plr:FindFirstChild(“Tycoon”).Value == script.Parent.Parent then

	if script.Parent.door.Transparency == 0.5 then
		print("door de-activated")
		script.Parent.Activated.Value = false
		script.Parent.door.Transparency = 0.85
		print("door activated")
		script.Parent.door.Transparency = 0.5
		script.Parent.Activated.Value = true		


Help would be very much appreciated.

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Did you create the Tycoon object on the server? If “Tycoon” doesn’t exist on the server then that will error. Its better to put findfirstchild in a previous and statement, since if it somehow doesn’t exist it will error.

I am probably gonna be giving out false information as I am not a scripter and I was never interested in making the type of tycoon you are making here, but what I would try to do is write the script in a way that it would find the owner of that tycoon, so let’s say it is the Blue team, you would only let people who are on the Blue team to have collisions turned off on that Owner Only Door, and for everyone else, collisions would be turned on with that door. And the door when turned on would have the script that would kill the player upon contact.
That is just me, you will most likely have to ask someone else because I for sure ain’t a scripter :neutral_face:

Uhh, did you get the value parents the wrong way around? I feel like that may be the problem…??

… or he could just keep collisions off and kill any players who decide to try and walk through???

He could also add a big block inside that fills the entire interior and detects if touched and will kill them instead (so noclip wont work??) but only make that if the entire place is finished and you dont need to move things around.

I guess that could be a better choice

Tycoon is an objValue in the player.

Is it created on the server or on the client?

On the client I think

That’s the problem then, the server can’t see things created by the client. You can probably try creating the tycoon object on the server instead, which will fix the door.


Yep, bryan is right. Ever since FE was removed, errors like this started occurring.

(Well, I guess you learned something about lua…??? lol)

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