Here’s the game link if you want to check it out yourself:
(8) Liminal Spaces [ALPHA] - Roblox
firstly your game look so nice!
secondly idk if it is because of this but I found an error message on the consol :
maybe this is the issue you are looking for?
Also it would be nice if you animated the stair cases

Thanks! I managed to fixed the warnings but the graphics still look bad and I don’t know how to script and animate the escalator
what lightning mode are you on? (Go to Lightning, check Lightning Property)
I’m using future since it looks the best and I need it in order to make the flashlight work
this is what it looks like for me! did you turn up your graphics settings all the way up when you play?
yeah, maybe it has something to do with the device? I believe that my pc is fine though
are you using atmosphere effect ? if so check if there are not two in lightings if you haven’t already. Also for me the graphics do not look bad even without the effect. To animate the escalator you could use moon animator with a loop animation but it is not free so if you didn’t buy it already it’s a little bit of money…
what i mean is when you play roblox outside of studio, if you press escape and go to settings, you can change your graphics settings. are those set to maximum?
yes obviously both in studio and on roblox my graphics are turned up on max
yes there’s only 1 atmosphere effect and I’ll try to animate it in the future lol
I reinstalled roblox and it looks fine now, I guess it was bugged idk but thanks for the help!
maybe you had to update xD good look cause I like the idea