Problem when a model with unions is cloned to workspace

hello, i have ran into this problem where when a round in my game starts and it clones a map to the workspace but none of the unions that should be there are invisible but have collision
heres a error this gives (its on the client and it happens to many people)

MeshContentProvider failed to process "here is the union asset id etc."
 because 'could not fetch'

i hope someone could help since this just started happening for no reason

i still need help with this, can someone explain this

Where is it cloning the Union from?
Is the Union still available? Just take it from wherever it’s stored while editing in Studio and put it in the Workspace. If it’s still not visible then there is a problem with the Union.
Every once in a while I’ve had Unions disappear visually. Sometimes if this is in Studio I’ve been able to close and reopen the place and it fixes it, but if you can’t see it in game that’s likely a different issue.

When you play test in Studio do they appear?
Are they just Transparent?
Can you put other Unions in and do those ones appear?
Have you put any free models or new plugins in Studio that might have a harmful script in them?

thank you for the reply, the union is in a folder in ReplicatedStorage
-in studio they all show up
-they are just transparent
-any union that i add has a chance to be transparent
-theres no free models and plugins are safe
also the unions are all different for almost every person, i know this because i play tested with 3 other people and all of us had some unions transparent

What happens when you load the union(s) into a new baseplate?

the unions work fine, but in problem is when the unions are in a model and the model is cloned to workspace from ReplicatedStorage and some of the unions are transparent