Problem with a weaponry gui

So I was making a gui that gives tools when you click a button. Like if you play phantom forces, there’s the loadout and when you click deploy or something, you get the tools listed in loadout or in a value. I tried doing it without remote events and just like ("" …Value.Value) using the “…”

so it works only for one person then for the rest, it doesn’t give anything.

sorry if it sounds confusing

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You didn’t give any code but based on what you said it just seems like you are giving the weapon through a localscript. This won’t replicate due to FE.

DevHub reference for FE:


I am confused from your post but you could just :Clone() the tools.

local gun = game.ReplicatedStorage.Tool:Clone()
gun.Parent = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Backpack end)
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I know that but I’m trying to do like mains secondaries and knives and clone them when a player clicks play or deploy or any button and clone the value’s value and try to find the tool in a folder

(probably didn’t take the idea from phantom forces)

Still confusing but I think you mean this change after you deploy?

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Actually it’s in playergui, in a gui, inside a folder but i dont think that matters so yea.

also i’ve been looking at the remote events so I think I might know how to do it now.

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